Give Your Information Security Career a Boost

April 8, 2021 –  Public sector information security professionals have seen how fast the cyber world has been changing. For them, the need to gain education and sharpen skills has never been greater. If you are a public security professional looking for an opportunity to improve your ability to lead teams that protect vital government IT resources, the Information Security Leadership Academy (ISLA) is a great opportunity.

The academy is open to employees of state, county and city agencies and departments who work in information security. Ideal candidates are individuals with a vision for enterprise-wide thinking, strong potential for career advancement into executive or senior management positions, and aspiring information security officers with experience carrying out their organizations’ missions and visions. ISLA prepares government security professionals for critical roles as Information Security Officer (ISO), Agency Information Security Officer (AISO), or an expanded role within their department’s security office.

As an academy participant, you will have the opportunity to interact with the state’s top security leaders and take part in a dynamic simulation experience. You will also complete the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) training and exam in preparation for the CISM certification.

This opportunity comes around just once a year! Application deadline is April 29.