July 13, 2022 –Were you aware that the OTech zSystems platform offers the following technologies as a part of their service? If you would like to learn how you can use these technologies or even try them out, email the CIO Platform Mainframe Services Management CIOPlatformMainframeServicesManagement@state.ca.gov team to learn more.
IBM Watson Machine Learning –
- Pick up any news article around the globe, and there will be some news about how unsuspecting companies have been tricked or threatened into making payments to cyber criminals. Even today, many organizations resort to tracing fraudulent activity through tedious tasks like comparing activity reports from Word, Excel, and PDF formatted output. What if you had a program that could take all of these disparate systems and documents, merge the data, and provide baseline scoring on the most likely individuals performing criminal acts. Think of the time savings by not scanning documents by hand but also the cost prevention by quickly stopping the bad actors. No manual data analysis is needed by your data scientists; they just need IBM Watson Machine Learning for z/OS. Machine Learning will cut analysis from days to minutes.
z/OS Connect
- You have a program for mobile that needs to access Db2 data on the z System — or any other program new or old that needs to access data on your z system. You scan the code looking for a break in the logic to write and API to make the call and extract the data. Not bad if it is for only one program. What if you had dozens to write, maintain, and document. How much time and energy could be saved if you have a user-friendly tool that automatically generates common RestFUL APIs — a common process for all APIs in your enterprise. IBM z/OS Connect is just the solution for you.
Hybrid Cloud on z Systems
- The Cloud is perceived as a destination in many organizations. However, there are several factors along with cost to consider when thinking Public Cloud. A Public Cloud vendor will offer low cost for access and storage, however combine this with data movement, extraction, analytics, redundancy and extra levels of security, the costs start to skyrocket. Not to mention that your state personal information (PI) data is now in a data center outside California. CDT can provide an agile cloud infrastructure that requires no data movement, unparalleled data security, and reduced latency, which cannot be achieved on a public cloud like Amazon. You can do Cloud more easily with safer access to your data on the most cost-efficient, green, and secure available platform, which is on-prem at CDT. No time-consuming data movement, no additional data copies, no bandwidth, or latency that you would experience with an out-of-state Cloud provider. In addition, you can keep PI data on secure z Systems for deep analysis and reporting.