CDT Digital ID Project Key to Unlocking Government Services

December 7, 2022 – California is exploring new ways to provide convenient access to the state’s programs that serve millions of residents. To support that effort, CDT has undertaken the Digital Identity Project that will provide an inclusive, easy, secure and privacy-preserving identity verification process. 

CDT launched the California Integrated Travel Project (Cal-ITP) Benefits application with Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST) as its first Digital ID pilot. Cal-ITP Benefits uses to quickly and securely verify eligibility online for senior discounted fares and links them to a contactless debit or credit card. Riders automatically receive reduced fares whenever they pay with the card. The open-source software used for the pilot can be applied to more of California’s social service benefits, from park passes and electric vehicle benefits to unemployment and food assistance programs.  

More information about CDT’s Digital Identity Project is available here.