TA 12-02: Visara Master Rental Agreement (MRA) Expiration Part II – Price List

ATTENTION: Participants in the MRA – Mainframe Printing and IT Procurement
ACTION REQUESTED: Submit a Service Request (SR) to Terminate MRA Services
DUE DATE: December 31, 2012


The Visara MRA provides rental, procurement, and maintenance agreements for mainframe print-related equipment. In March 2011, the Office of Technology Services (OTech) notified customer departments that the MRA will terminate in March 2013 and will not be renewed.  A Tech Alert was released on October 31, 2012 with preliminary information on the process.  This Tech Alert provides all the details needed for your department to proceed.

Customer Options:

Since the MRA will not be available for use beyond March 2013, customer departments using the MRA will need to decide how they will continue to meet their departmental mainframe printing needs and take action accordingly. Options for MRA equipment are as follows:

Option 1: Purchase (aka Purchase Convert) leased equipment
Departments can purchase the leased equipment. Pricing by equipment type and model is provided in the attachment to this email.

Option 2: Terminate the Rental Agreement and relinquish leased equipment
Departments may return leased equipment that is no longer needed. An equipment pick up date will be arranged through OTech.

Please note:
Any existing maintenance agreements through the MRA will terminate on March 31, 2013. Departments requiring continued maintenance coverage for owned equipment will need to seek and procure maintenance coverage through their own departmental procurement division.

Next Steps:

Your OTech Account Lead has provided your department a list of your leased equipment and/or maintenance agreements under the Visara MRA.  Any entries on your spreadsheet that have a customer prefix beginning with CS are items that are provided through the CalSTARS unit at the Department of Finance.  You should receive communication directly from the CalSTARS Unit regarding the processing of those pieces of equipment. The remaining entries on your spreadsheet will be processed through OTech.

With this Tech Alert we are providing the pricing to purchase convert your equipment.  Please open the attachment for this information.

The pricing provided in the attachment includes our administrative fee and the highest tax rate applied in the State of California.  To submit a SR to purchase convert all or some of your equipment, you will use the pricing information in the attachment.  Most customers, however, will be charged a lesser amount for their purchase converts, depending on the location of the equipment, and accordingly, application of the appropriate tax rate.

Please submit an SR titled ?MRA Termination? as soon as possible, but no later than December 31, 2012.  The SR must include the MRA spreadsheet updated to indicate the decision regarding each piece of equipment (i.e. an ?X? in the ?Terminate? column or the equipment cost in the ?Purchase Convert? column).  For equipment being terminated, please enter the name of the site contact and the site address.  For equipment being purchased sum the amounts and input the sum into the ?Budget Amount? field of the SR.  If you do not wish to purchase any of the equipment, enter the amount of $0 for the cost in the ?Budget Amount? field.

Please be aware that any equipment that cannot be returned will be purchase converted and your department will be billed accordingly.  Additionally, if we do not receive an SR terminating your equipment by December 31, 2012, the equipment will be purchase converted and your department will be billed accordingly.

If you wish to terminate your equipment and/or maintenance agreements, or purchase convert your equipment prior to March 31, 2013, you may submit your SR via the Customer Service System anytime before December 31, 2012. A 50 day lead time is needed before the actual termination/desired pick up date. When submitting your SR, please attach your equipment and maintenance list to the SR marked as indicated above, and also the requested termination date.  Without designation of a termination date prior to March 31, 2013, it will be assumed that the expected termination date is March 31, 2013.

Due Date:

To ensure that department requests are processed prior to the expiration date, SRs must be submitted no later than December 31, 2012.


If you have questions regarding your equipment list, please call Roxanne Balfour at (916) 730-4437.  If you have questions about the process, please contact your OTech Account Lead. To identify your Account Lead, please use the Account Lead Lookup, or contact the Customer Delivery Division at (916)431-5477.