Statewide IT Project Portfolio

California is a leader in investing and the delivery of emerging technologies, designing people-centric solutions and securing the state’s vital assets.

California is investing $7.85 billion in information technology over the next 5 years. This money will fund upgrades that benefit many programs and support California’s Strategic Plan to meet society’s goals and make progress on the big, complex problems affecting us all.

Current IT Project Portfolio

This pie chart shows all active information technology projects in the state project portfolio in planning or execution.

The criticality rating is an assessment of the project risk, sensitivity, and complexity and shown as high, medium, or low.

Many projects are delegated to the state departments. Those listed as High, Medium, and Low Criticality are non-delegated projects and remain under oversight of the Department of Technology.

Criticality level


Learn more about Statewide IT Project Outcomes.

Active IT Projects List

The list below contains the portfolio of active State information technology projects across all agencies and departments in either planning or execution. Active IT projects updated monthly.

Agency NameDepartment NameProject NameTotal CostCriticality LevelDescriptionCondition
Government OperationsSecretary for Government Operations AgencyCradle-to-Career Data System (C2C)24206091MediumTo meet the mandates of Educational Code (Chapter 8.5, Statutes of 2021) the Office of Cradle-to-Career Data proposes to create a suite of tools that link existing education, workforce, financial aid, and social service information to better equip policymakers, educators, and the public to address disparities in opportunities and improve outcomes for students throughout the state.Yellow
Health and Human ServicesSecretary for California Health and Human Services AgencyChild Welfare Services-California Automated Response and Engagement System (CWS-CARES)1711011443HighCWS-CARES will replace the legacy Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS), and provide an enterprise, integrated solution to meet current and emerging business needs.Yellow
Natural ResourcesSecretary of the Natural Resources AgencyCalifornia Climate Information System (CalCIS)MediumBuilding climate resilience in California requires the integration and analysis of the most current climate monitoring data to provide information and decision-making tools for all state agencies working on adapting to and stemming the climate crisis. The creation of CalCIS includes the creation of data criteria, data entry, development of data management and visualization products, staff training, and climate monitoring to fill data gaps and validate and enhance climate information products. Under the existing MOU with CNRA, CalEPA and CDFA, CalCIS will be created by NASA/JPL in collaboration with state agencies, university scientists and commercial organizations to provide a centralized data management hub that will house climate data from satellite and airborne remote sensing efforts, and climate field data for the state.N/A
Environmental ProtectionSecretary for Environmental ProtectionCalifornia Environmental Reporting System Next Generation (CERS NextGen)25846693LowThe California Environmental Protection Agency, California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) NextGen, will implement a new solution or move the current version of CERS to a supported platform and introduce enhancements to re‐align CERS with current business processes and to meet current and future Unified Program needs.N/A
Legislative, Judicial, and ExecutiveGovernor’s Office of Land Use and Climate InnovationReview of Federal ProgramsDelegatedThe Office of Planning and Research, State Clearinghouse (SCH) proposes to develop on the SCH website an online registration system for elected officials that are interested in receiving email notifications; an online submission system for applicants of federal assistance in California; an online sortable data table of submitted applications that automatically updates for each submitted application; and an email notification system for registered elected officials in the applicant’s district.N/A
Legislative, Judicial, and ExecutiveGovernor’s Office of Land Use and Climate InnovationModernization of the Environmental Notice and Document System (MENDS)MediumThe State Clearinghouse (SCH) of the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) proposes to modernize its business processes and improve its ability to interact with customers and stakeholders throughout the State-level review of environmental documents and notices pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This will be accomplished by creating business processes that employ modern methods of document collection, review, and public comment using a web-based interface, workflow automation, collaborative working spaces, and self-service reporting. Ideally this approach will build upon technology that is already in use within the SCH but may include seeking an entirely new system to wholly replace what is already functioning.N/A
Legislative, Judicial, and ExecutiveJustice, Department ofRetail Tobacco Inspection Access Program (RETINA)2743061DelegatedThe Attorney General, Tobacco Litigation and Enforcement Section, proposes to create a cloud-based enforcement tool for recording and monitoring compliance with tobacco-related laws at point-of-sale within California.N/A
Legislative, Judicial, and ExecutiveJustice, Department ofFirearms IT Systems Modernization (FITSM)449650310HighThe Department of Justice proposes to consolidate multiple existing firearms information technology systems to achieve greater timeliness and efficiency when responding to changing Bureau of Firearms business requirements.Green
Legislative, Judicial, and ExecutiveJustice, Department ofBureau of Gambling Control Licensing System Replacement (BGC LSR)12882467DelegatedIn a joint venture with the California Gambling Control Commission (Commission), the Bureau of Gambling Control (BGC) proposes to replace the existing licensing management system for an application that will include an online licensing, registration system and payment component in order to advance the licensing process and regulation of the gambling industry in California. The current system will no longer be supported by the vendor as of June 30, 2020.N/A
Legislative, Judicial, and ExecutiveJustice, Department ofAssembly Bill (AB) 528: Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (AB 528 CURES)LowThe California Department of Justice proposes to optimize the existing electronic registration process for delegates and prescribers, extend current functionality for retrieving Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES) information to delegates and non-Drug Enforcement Administration registered physician and surgeons, and ensure the collection, storage, and reporting of all Schedule V controlled substance prescription dispensation data within the CURES, in accordance with Assembly Bill 528 (Stats 2019, Ch 677, Low).N/A
Legislative, Judicial, and ExecutiveController, StateCalifornia State Payroll System Project (CSPS)811989045HighThe State Controller's Office (SCO) and The California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) have partnered to move from the legacy State Payroll System to a new suite that will modernize payroll and core HR services. SCO and CalHR, leveraging lessons learned from the terminated 21st Century project, have undertaken a comprehensive planning effort that includes normalization of payroll practices for the State that will allow it to utilize proven solutions instead of custom development to better position them for success.Green
Legislative, Judicial, and ExecutiveController, StateUnclaimed Property Management System Replacement (UPMSR)13423616MediumThe SCO proposes to replace UPD’s current business software applications to provide essential upgrades and improvements to its fraud detection and prevention capabilities. In addition, the new system will automate the manual and paper-based processes at UPD with a single, secure, integrated system. The software under consideration for replacement includes Clearview Connect (UPS2000) and all its related programs and executables, HRS Pro, MyClaims Report, the online “shopping cart” system, and UPD Report Manager. Additionally, there are numerous legacy and Access databases, SharePoint Lists, and spreadsheets used to perform key tasks, including the ARU (Additional Research Unit) Assignment Tracking Log, the Claims Requirement Checklist (CRL), the Fraud Database, and the local area network (LAN) Accountability database. The new system will promote greater financial integrity through the new system's enhanced accounting, improved fraud detection and prevention, better tools for verification of rightful owner claims, and increased capabilities for management of securities and reconciliation of settlements. Currently, several of UPD’s key business processes are managed using separate software applications that have limited or no integration. UPD staff perform other critical processes manually and in hardcopy. The replacement system will integrate the existing applications’ functionality under one system, automate current manual and hardcopy processes, and provide an end-to-end workflow for UPD’s key business processes. The new fully integrated system will improve processing times that will allow UPD to deliver its services more efficiently and effectively to holders, claimants, and external agencies.Green
Legislative, Judicial, and ExecutiveSecretary of StateNotary Automation Project 2.0 (NAP 2.0)58392250MediumReplacement of the Secretary of State Notary Automation Program.N/A
Legislative, Judicial, and ExecutiveSecretary of StateCAL-ACCESS Replacement System (CARS)92352324HighThe Secretary of State (SOS) proposes to improve reliability, disaster recovery, and service to the public by replacing the current CAL-ACCESS system with one that is based on a more modern, flexible architecture. The State Legislature has mandated that the SOS replace CAL-ACCESS (SB 1349 Hertzberg). CAL-ACCESS is the state’s campaign and lobbying information system where candidates, political committees, and lobbyists file detailed financial disclosures.Green
Business, Consumer Services, and HousingConsumer Affairs, Department ofBusiness Modernization – California State Board of Pharmacy (BOP)MediumThe California Department of Consumer Affairs, State Board of Pharmacy, proposes to implement a centralized licensing system to streamline business processes, improve reporting capabilities, reduce manual activities and errors, and allow consumers to access self-service licensee status and disciplinary actions online.N/A
Business, Consumer Services, and HousingConsumer Affairs, Department ofBusiness Modernization Cohort 2 (BMC2)20061079MediumThe California Department of Consumer Affairs proposes to replace the existing legacy systems with a configurable enterprise Licensing, Enforcement, and Administrative, and Information Management solution for the Structural Pest Control Board; California Architects Board and Landscape Architects Technical Committee; Bureau of Household Goods and Services; and Cemetery and Funeral Bureau of California.Green
Business, Consumer Services, and HousingDepartment of Cannabis ControlLaboratory Information Management System Replacement (LIMSR)1836025LowThe Department of Cannabis Control (Department) seeks to replace its current laboratory information management system (LIMS) with a product that is suitable for testing cannabis. Currently, the Department must utilize a LIMS that is owned by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). The current LIMS is more appropriate for laboratory activities associated with public-health testing activities (e.g. blood testing and other human products). The Department requires a LIMS replacement that is appropriate for the testing of cannabis products. This will also assist the Department in making its lab operations independent of CDPH.N/A
Business, Consumer Services, and HousingDepartment of Cannabis ControlCannabis Law Enforcement Activity Tracking System (CLEATS)2283643LowThe Department of Cannabis Control (Department) seeks to transition to a more robust law enforcement activity tracking system. Currently, the Department must utilize a legacy law enforcement tracking system that is maintained and designed for the use of the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA), which does not conduct law enforcement activity for the cannabis industry. The current system is utilized primarily for billing purposes, which is not the core business need of the Department. Additionally, the current DCA system used is based on older technology that presents maintenance and operations challenges.N/A
Business, Consumer Services, and HousingDepartment of Cannabis ControlCannabis Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Reporting Tool (BI Tool)3041932LowThe Department of Cannabis Control (Department) seeks to improve business and technical internal users’ access to data from our licensing, enforcement, compliance, and track and trace system. The Department wants to empower these users’ abilities to build their own reports without the need to understand SQL or other coding languages. Additionally, the Department wants the capability to build external facing dashboards to allow external users that ability to interact with data in charts and graphs to understand trends in the cannabis industry.Green
Business, Consumer Services, and HousingDepartment of Financial Protection and InnovationEnterprise Systems Modernization (ESM)MediumThe existing systems utilized by the Department of Financial Protection (DFPI) to support licensing, examination, enforcement, and complaints functions across the enterprise are obsolete in terms of meeting business needs and are reaching their end of life. The Department proposes to consolidate disparate systems under a single enterprise experience that will be dynamic and scalable to meet the needs of existing and future Programs regulated by DFPIN/A
Business, Consumer Services, and HousingCalifornia Privacy Protection AgencyData Broker Delete Request and Opt-Out Platform (DROP)LowTo implement SB 362 (Chapter 709, Statutes of 2023), the California Privacy Protection Agency (Agency) is mandated to re-implement the data broker registry (DBR) currently maintained by the Attorney General (AG); undertake stakeholder engagement, including pre-rulemaking and potential formal rulemaking; establish and maintain a global data broker deletion mechanism, known as the “accessible deletion mechanism” (ADM); and enforce the measure, including receiving independent audits, submitted by covered businesses, that evaluate businesses’ compliance with the law. These resources will enhance transparency and provide consumers with more control over their personal information.N/A
Business, Consumer Services, and HousingAlcoholic Beverage Control, Department ofABC eRecords3958485DelegatedConvert paper licensing and enforcement documents into electronic records (eRecords) to:• Improve customer service by:o Making licensee documents available to staff onlineo Providing public the access to appropriate documents online • Increase staff productivity by:o Eliminating the need to locate and mail paper documents and fileso Standardizing document intake and maintenance processes statewide• Improve data security by:o Removing paper files from ABC file roomso Reducing the risk of lost or destroyed documents and fileso Implementing role-based access to files in a secure cloud environmento Implementing a secure solution for more efficient Public Records Act (PRA) redaction and retention.N/A
Business, Consumer Services, and HousingHousing and Community Development, Department ofConsolidated Housing Accountability Application Procurement Project (CHAAPP)35238005MediumThe Housing and Community Development (HCD) Department proposes the procurement and implementation of an enterprise loan and grant management system. The Department oversees more than 80 programs that award loans and grants for construction, acquisition, rehabilitation and preservation of affordable rental and ownership housing, homeless shelters and transitional housing, public facilities, and infrastructure. New funding programs have increased dramatically over the last few years with more new funding programs to be released for years to come in support of California residents. HCD’s current technology systems are outdated and inefficient and unable to support the ever-expanding housing initiatives, State and Federal mandates, meet reporting requirements and sustain HCD’s operational needs.Red
TransportationTransportation, Department ofContract Administration Tracking System II (CATS II)DelegatedThe Department of Transportation proposes to replace its contract legacy system, mainframe application, Contract Aministration Tracking System.N/A
TransportationTransportation, Department ofTransportation Asset Management System (TAMS)31980973MediumThe Department of transportation proposes to develop a centralized data repository and tools to improve transportation asset management, project prioritization, and project initiation documentation development.Green
TransportationTransportation, Department ofTransportation System Network Replacement (TSNR)32443270HighThe California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) proposes to implement a new Transportation System Network (TSN) solution that integrates geospatial information required by MAP-21 and the FAST Act and addresses current system performance deficiencies.Yellow
TransportationTransportation, Department ofCalifornia Advanced Transportation Management System (CATMS)27301088MediumThe California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Division of Traffic Operations, proposes to replace the various control systems in all 12 Caltrans Transportation Management Centers (TMC) with a single uniform system to manage traffic on the state’s highway network. TMCs currently use 11 different systems in various combinations, some of which are 25 years old. The new system will allow the department to standardize processes and training, improve interoperability and redundancy across TMCs, and reduce system licensing and maintenance costs.N/A
TransportationTransportation, Department ofEnterprise Data Governance Technology Solution (EDGTS)22682766MediumTo support efficient management, discovery, and sharing of Caltrans data assets in support of Senate Bill 1 and other program needs, Caltrans proposes to evaluate, select and implement a suite of data governance and management software.N/A
TransportationTransportation, Department ofBridge Management System (BMS)LowThe California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is proposing the replacement of the existing Structure Maintenance Automated Report Transmittal (SMART) application in response to updated mandates outlined in Title 23 USC 144 Section 5. The current SMART system falls short of meeting the revised National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) introduced by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in 2022. This proposal seeks to establish a robust Bridge Management System (BMS) that satisfies the new data collection and reporting requirements, while integrating seamlessly with current workflows such as inspection, project development, load rating, maintenance design, and hydraulics. This initiative is an important step toward optimizing bridge asset management capabilities in compliance with the updated federal legislation.N/A
No Agency AssignedHigh-Speed Rail Authority Office of the Inspector GeneralOIG-HSR Audits and Reviews Software (ARS)MediumOIG-HSR proposes to acquire software necessary to support its statutory responsibility to conduct independent reviews of the California High-Speed Rail project. This software, which will help the OIG-HSR to also meet its professional standards by collecting, categorizing, annotating, filing, and reviewing evidence and related documentation, would be acquired from one of several established vendors already having supplied similar software to state and federal agencies.N/A
No Agency AssignedHigh-Speed Rail Authority Office of the Inspector GeneralOIG-HSR Whistleblower Complaint Receipt and Investigation System (WCRIS)MediumOIG-HSR proposes to acquire software to receive, track, securely store, and investigate whistleblower complaints regarding violations of laws and regulations, mismanagement, waste, abuse, and dangers to public health and safety pertaining to the California High-Speed Rail. In doing so, OIG-HSR must maintain the confidentiality of complaints in accordance with requirements established in Public Utilities Code sections 187030(b)(3) and 187032(a)(3).N/A
TransportationPilot Commissioners for the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo, and Suisun, Board ofBOPC Information Technology Modernization Project (BOPC IT Mod)MediumThe Board of Pilot Commissioners (BOPC) proposes the implementation of an information technology solution to create a system to integrate various BOPC programs with each other and the web to enable efficiencies in managing and maintaining the pilot licensing, pilot training, and the pilot boat programs, manage maritime incident investigation reports and aid in the administration of the pilot retirement program. Another important goal of the system is to digitize the BOPC’s records and store them in a database for research and report preparation purposes, and for disaster recovery purposes since the BOPC currently primarily utilizes paper files that are unwieldy when researching data and report preparation, and are subject to damage and loss from natural and other disasters.N/A
TransportationCalifornia Highway Patrol, Department of theWireless Mobile Video/Audio Recording System (WMVARS) Upgrade162716056LowThe California Highway Patrol proposes to replace the existing standalone digital versatile disc based Mobile Video/Audio Recording System (MVARS) with a commercially available high resolution Wireless MVARS inclusive of body worn cameras.Green
TransportationCalifornia Highway Patrol, Department of theLaw Enforcement Records Management System (LERMS)23063933LowThe California Highway Patrol is to acquire and implement a new records management system in support of the Federal Bureau of Investigation mandate to transition from the Uniform Crime Reporting Summary Reporting System to the National Incident Based Reporting System by January 1, 2021.N/A
TransportationCalifornia Highway Patrol, Department of thePublic Records Software (PRS)1225060DelegatedThe California Highway Patrol (CHP) Public Records Unit (PRU) is in need of a public records management system and new video/audio redaction tool to support the increasing demand of California Public Records Act (CPRA), including Senate Bill (SB) 1421, Assembly Bill (AB) 748, and video/audio redaction requests.N/A
TransportationMotor Vehicles, Department ofLaw Enforcement Interface ModernizationDelegatedThe Department of Motor Vehicles proposes to replace the outdated Law Enforcement Application that serves as a vital tool for the daily function of the Information Release Unit, with a more robust application which will more effectively allow the unit to respond to requests.N/A
TransportationMotor Vehicles, Department ofLegacy System Stabilization (LSS)73718640LowThe Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) proposes to restructure the Front End Applications Sustainability effort from migrating only the Vehicle Registration, Occupational Licensing and Cashiering front-end application to a more sustainable technology platform; to now the Legacy System Stabilization effort that will stabilize all the Department’s legacy applications, systems, and hardware to reduce the risk of catastrophic failures. This will enable the Department to address external mandates and maintain DMV service delivery to Californians, while preparing for the DMV Modernization effort.Green
TransportationMotor Vehicles, Department ofCredit Cards in Field Offices (CCFO)DelegatedThe Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) currently accepts credit cards for transactions processed through DMV’s website, Self-Service Terminals (SSTs), and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. This project is to enable the capability of customers to utilize credit cards for paying fees in the field offices.N/A
TransportationMotor Vehicles, Department ofDigital Experience Platform (DXP)414676034HighThe Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) proposes modernization of the Department’s legacy applications and systems. The modernization of DMV technology is critical to reduce reliance on obsolete, unsupported, and failing technology. This will transform and streamline DMV services delivery to Californians as well as providing DMV the ability to address current and evolving business objectives.Yellow
TransportationMotor Vehicles, Department ofEnterprise Content Management System (ECM System)22272282MediumThe California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) proposes to expand its Enterprise Content Management (ECM) System to a department-wide business process to consolidate document resources and maintain and manage a centralized repository. The expansion will provide a department based secure electronic platform for internal and external customers, cohesive document resources, enhanced information security, and reduced workflow processing time frames.Green
TransportationMotor Vehicles, Department ofMobile Driver's License Pilot (mDL)10000000MediumThe Mobile Driver’s License (mDL) Pilot would allow California residents to obtain a digital Driver’s License (DL)/Identification (ID) that could be conveniently and securely accessed through a smartphone or other digital alternatives. The mDL will build off the strength of the DMV’s DL/ID enrollment process. Mobile DL will not only support physical ID verification, but in the future, it will also add convenience and security to online ID verification. By verifying identity prior to transactions, the state will be able to streamline processes, reduce fraud, and improve the customer experience.Green
TransportationMotor Vehicles, Department ofAB 796 New Motor Voter Program (AB 796)14879397MediumPursuant to Assembly Bill (AB) 796 (Berman, Chapter 314, Statutes of 2021), the Department will implement changes to the California New Motor Voter program including, but not limited to, modifying voter registration application acceptance dates, and requiring the Department to establish a National Voter Registration Act Coordinator. The Department will need to reengineer its driver license and identification card workflows for multiple service channels (online, field office, kiosk, by mail) to allow for the transmission of the completed voter registration application irrespective of whether the driver license or identification card transaction is completed. The IT modifications will be in operation by the completion of the Digital eXperience Platform (DXP) project, or on July 1, 2025, whichever is earlier.Green
TransportationMotor Vehicles, Department ofCommercial Driver’s License Information Systems (CDLIS) Upgrade10373058DelegatedThe California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) proposes to upgrade Commercial Driver’s License Information System (CDLIS) to meet the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requirements under federal law in relation to commercial drivers. This project is an integration with existing legacy systems, the contract will allow for staff augmentation to support changes needed within our legacy systems to meet Exclusive Electronic Exchange (EEE) no later than August 22, 2024, Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse (DACH) no later than November 18, 2024, and National Registry of Certified Medical Examiner (NRCME) no later than June 23, 2025.N/A
TransportationMotor Vehicles, Department ofCalifornia Identifications for All, Assembly Bill 1766 (CA IDs AB 1766)MediumAssembly Bill (AB) 1766 (Secretary of State (SOS), chapter 482, Statues of 2022) requires the
California (CA) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to, no later than July 1, 2027, begin issuing
original and renewal identification (ID) cards to individuals who are unable to submit satisfactory
proof that their presence in the United States (U.S.) is authorized under federal law. These
individuals would need to provide satisfactory proof of identity and California residency.
Furthermore, this bill would clarify that documents provided by an applicant, to prove age or
identity, are not public records and are prohibited from disclosure except as necessary to comply
with an order, warrant, or subpoena, issued by a court.
Natural ResourcesEnergy Resources Conservation and Development CommissionEnergy Analytics and information PlatformDelegatedThe California Energy Commission proposes to develop a repository for energy data with analytic and reporting capabilities.N/A
Natural ResourcesEnergy Resources Conservation and Development CommissionCalifornia Energy Commission Website UpgradeDelegatedThe California Energy Commission proposes to upgrade its main public website by reorganizing content and navigation, upgrading to the latest state website template, and migrating the main website files into a web content management system (CMS), so the website can be updated more efficiently, and energy-related information can be communicated to stakeholders in a more timely and effective way.N/A
Natural ResourcesEnergy Resources Conservation and Development CommissionCalifornia Building Energy Efficiency Compliance ContractDelegatedThe California Energy Commission proposes a Maintenance and Operations (M&O) effort to their existing California Building Energy Efficiency Standards Compliance (CBECC) Software.N/A
Natural ResourcesEnergy Resources Conservation and Development CommissionEnergy Innovation Showcase Website/Application Redesign178000DelegatedThe California Energy Commission proposes to redesign the front-end of the Energy Innovation Showcase website/application to increase information dissemination by expanding the search parameters to locate and retrieve Energy Commission Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) projects by category and other attributes.N/A
Natural ResourcesConservation, Department ofSurface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975 (SMARA) 3DelegatedThe California Department of Conservation proposes to perform corrective maintenance to upgrade the existing unsupported Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975 (SMARA) technologies to current supported technologies. As a corrective maintenance project, the focus will be restricted to current existing functionality. Any new functionality or enhancements will be documented for future consideration.N/A
Natural ResourcesConservation, Department ofPreventive and Corrective Information Technology Maintenance (CGS-SMIP)DelegatedThe Department of Conservation (DOC) California Geological Survey (CGS) proposes to perform preventive and corrective maintenance to CGS’s information technology (IT) infrastructure and operations. The preventive and corrective maintenance effort will replace, upgrade, and relocate the CGS's IT hardware and software environment to ensure continuity of services as well as bring the CGS into compliance with State of California IT policies.N/A
Natural ResourcesConservation, Department ofDivision of Mine Reclamation SMARA-47634936MediumA new data management system that will allow operators and lead agencies secure access to submit required information, documents, and fees to the Division of Mine Reclamation (Division), California Geologic Survey (CGS), and California State Mining and Geology Board (SMGB) as required under the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA) via a web interface. Information collected would be stored in a data management system that allows the Division, CGS, and SMGB to effectively implement statutory responsibilities and to provide a level of oversight required under the statutes for SMARA, public contracting (PCC 10295.5 &20676), real estate disclosure (CA CIV § 1103.4), and transparency purposes. Data and information would be made available to the public through a Geographic Information System (GIS) Interface.N/A
Natural ResourcesForestry and Fire Protection, Department ofDig Board Tracking, Violation and Reporting (DBTVR) ProjectDelegatedThe California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection proposes to implement a solution that allows the Dig Board to create, store and track violations, complete triage forms, complete and store information related to opened/closed investigations and reports to the Governor and Legislature, and transmit findings and recommended penalties to those with jurisdiction over excavators deemed to be at fault. The Dig Board requests the ability to communicate with the Regional Notification centers. Regional notification centers receives requests and within 40 seconds forwards information to the operators responsible for markings (gas, electric, water, etc.). When an incident occurs, excavators rarely contact the operator, but contacts the regional notification center. For this reason, we would like for any proposal to include communication between the regional notification center and the Dig Board. Once and incident is received by the Dig Board it would be triaged into three categories (no investigation, desk investigation, field investigation). The Regional Notification centers utilize shape files to distinguish locations and which operators will be contacted (water, gas, electric). CAL FIRE would also request the ability to utilize Geo-spacial data to track investigations and locations of incidents.N/A
Natural ResourcesForestry and Fire Protection, Department ofWildfire Management Predictive Model (WFA)10027723DelegatedConstruct and deploy a wildfire risk forecasting and fire spread prediction technical solution across high risk fire areas in California.N/A
Natural ResourcesForestry and Fire Protection, Department ofCAL FIRE Human Resource Data, Systems and Process Improvement (HRDSPI)MediumCAL FIRE is embarking on a transformative journey in the realm of Human Capital Management (HCM). The department aims to harness the advancements in HR technology. This strategic shift will streamline operations, enhance user experience, and optimize the workforce's HR processes. It represents a forward-looking approach to embrace modern HR solutions and deliver greater value to CAL FIRE's dedicated employees and the department as a whole.N/A
Natural ResourcesForestry and Fire Protection, Department ofCAL FIRE Aviation Tracking and Information System (CATIS)MediumCAL FIRE is proposing to develop an application called CAL FIRE Aviation Tracking and Information System (CATIS). This will include testing, training, implementation, and provide ongoing support and maintenance for a software program. This system must communicate with all CAL FIRE applications/programs that tracks, collects, stores, and reports various aviation information from all CAL FIRE owned and contracted aircraft as well as record information for CAL FIRE pilots and crew members that operate these aircraft.N/A
Natural ResourcesFish and Wildlife, Department ofWildlife Law Enforcement Records Management System (RMS)DelegatedThe California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Law Enforcement Division, proposes to implement a modern, standards-based, modular record management system that allows it to track law enforcement activity easily and effectively.N/A
Natural ResourcesFish and Wildlife, Department ofProject Tracking System (PTS)DelegatedThe California Department of Fish and Wildlife proposes the replace the current Project Tracking System (SaaS or COTS) in order to track environmental review and the permitting of marijuana cultivation.N/A
Natural ResourcesFish and Wildlife, Department ofWatershed Restoration Grant Management System (WRGMS)DelegatedThe California Department of Fish and Wildlife proposes to replace existing grant management systems with one new grant management system to consolidate the management of and meet grant management requirements for all Watershed Restoration Grants Branch grant programs.N/A
Natural ResourcesFish and Wildlife, Department ofMarine Landings Data System (MLDS)200000DelegatedThe California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Region, proposes to create a Marine Landings Data System to holistically manage region data and to replace the aging Commercial Fisheries Information System.N/A
Natural ResourcesFish and Wildlife, Department ofMaster Observation Database System (MODS)6253398HighCalifornia Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) proposes to build and maintain a new Master Observation Database System (MODS) that will provide the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) program with the ability to capture, store, enable updates to, and retrieval and usage of, and preserve, all special status species observation data; including all details, as/however received or input, in/as individual records, in a single database repository.N/A
Natural ResourcesFish and Wildlife, Department ofWireless Digital Evidence Management System for ICCS (ICCS)7107050MediumTesting, acquisition and deployment of 400 units of Body Worn and 400 units of In-car Camera System for The California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Law Enforcement Division (LED). The use of body-worn and vehicle cameras has made law enforcement agencies more transparent and accountable to the public and has helped agencies evaluate and officer professionalism and training needs.Yellow
Natural ResourcesFish and Wildlife, Department ofEnvironmental Review and Permitting Project (ERPP)11554988MediumThe California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) proposes to update the statewide online permitting systems, Environmental Permit Information Management System (EPIMS) and Scientific Collecting Permit Portal (SCPP). The scope will also include improving operational efficiency in management of environmental permits by supporting other critical Environmental Review processes including online application and tracking of California Endangered Species Act (CESA) Take Permits whose tracking platform known as Project Tracking is no longer supported. The goal of this project is to create one system that can incorporate these systems.N/A
Natural ResourcesParks and Recreation, Department ofCalifornia Vessel Operator Card (CVOC) ApplicationDelegatedThe California Department of Parks and Recreation proposes to develop a web application to collect vessel operator card application data, issue the cards, and provide annual reports in order to meet the mandates of Senate Bill 941.N/A
Natural ResourcesParks and Recreation, Department ofParks Workforce Forecasting Tool (PWF)DelegatedThe California Department of Parks and Recreation proposes to implement a stand-alone, online Parks Workforce Forecasting tool to facilitate the development of California State Park’s annual workforce forecasting process.N/A
Natural ResourcesParks and Recreation, Department ofPartnerships Office Database (POD)DelegatedThe California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Office of Information Technology proposes to develop a new Partnerships Office Database (POD) to enable the Partnerships Office to promote accurate and efficient record keeping, ensure compliance with contract requirements, generate canned and custom reports, and provide a dashboard for program performance.N/A
Natural ResourcesParks and Recreation, Department ofDigital Heritage Project (DHP)DelegatedThe California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) proposes a collaborative digital data gathering project in cooperation with the University of California Merced (UCM) which requires DPR information technology support first at Bodie State Historic Park (SHP) and then potentally at other DPR park units in the California State Park system. Individual projects may require digital imaging documentation services related to surveying, collection, post-processing, resource management, and educational interpretive and event community outreach activities taking place at the park for both historic and non-historic sites.N/A
Natural ResourcesParks and Recreation, Department ofDigital Evidence Management System (DEMS)9802466MediumThe California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Division (LEESD) is proposing to acquire and implement a Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) compliant cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) digital evidence management system with interoperability to collect, store, support and manage evidence through multiple and various types of public safety recording devices (i.e., in-car cameras, body worn cameras, tasers, dashcams, record management systems, computer aided dispatch systems, automated license plate readers, interview transcription, etc.) The DEMS project solution will address LEESD’s current needs and develop a roadmap to meet LEESD’s long term goal of synchronizing all LEESD’s public safety platforms into one (1) universal environment.
The DEMS solution will integrate with DPR’s Computer Aided Dispatch System (CADS) and Record Management System (RMS); and be capable of integration with DPR’s future law enforcement and public safety systems.
The Contractor shall provide the DEMS software, train the trainer training, implementation services, in-car cameras, body worn cameras, equipment, and hardware installation services in a phased approach. The DEMS software will be capable of instant and automated redactions, role-based permissions, event tagging, instant upload with connectivity, etc.; and include local detachable storage. All hardware must be capable of withstanding extremely low and high temperatures and rugged roads.
Natural ResourcesParks and Recreation, Department ofNext Generation Recreation Sales and Reservation Management Solution (Next Gen R2S2)38172280MediumThe State of California (State) Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) proposes to rebid, update, and modernize its department-wide Recreation and Reservations Sales Service, consisting of two components: “Recreation Sales” and an integrated “Reservations Case Management system. Modernizing our reservation system will give DPR an opportunity to incorporate Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Framework as update our policies and processes.Green
Natural ResourcesSan Francisco Bay Conservation and Development CommissionBCDC Regulatory Management System (RMS)MediumThe BCDC Regulatory Management System proposal aims to develop an integrated, centralized platform that streamlines permitting, compliance, and enforcement processes. The system will allow for online submission of applications, automate workflows, and provide real-time project tracking. It will enhance data sharing across regulatory teams, improve public transparency, and offer essential project management tools, increasing efficiency in regulatory decision-making.N/A
Natural ResourcesWater Resources, Department ofFinancial Management Enhancements Project (FMEP) Project, Program, and Resource Management (PPM)DelegatedThe California Department of Water Resources proposes to improve the efficiency of the financial management of the State Water Project to ensure funds are most efficiently and effectively spent.N/A
Natural ResourcesWater Resources, Department ofLearning Management System (LMS)DelegatedThe California Department of Water Resources proposes to implement a modern Learning Management System (LMS) to replace its existing antiquated and manual system. The new LMS will automate and digitize the employee training process, from registration of classes through the completion of the course.N/A
Natural ResourcesWater Resources, Department ofCalifornia Department of Water Resources Public Website (PWS) Redesign ProjectDelegatedThe California Department of Water Resources (CDWR) proposes to design and implement a new CDWR Public Web Site.N/A
Natural ResourcesWater Resources, Department ofEnterprise Budget Planning (EBP)DelegatedThe Department proposes to use a budget planning solution which seamlessly integrates with the Department’s existing ERP system, SAP, and provides the Department with a sustainable enterprise budget planning system that can effectively meet the Division of Fiscal Services’ Budget Office and the State Water Project's (SWP) business needs. The goal is to utilize one solution that will meet the requirements of DWR providing the Department with the ability to take data from multiple source systems into one comprehensive, centralized budget planning solution improving the efficiency of budget planning across all lines of business programs. The solution will also provide the Department the ability to more effectively perform forecasting, decision-making and reporting activities.N/A
Natural ResourcesWater Resources, Department ofAB 1755DelegatedThe California Department of Water Resources proposes to implement the Open and Transparent Water Data Act’s (AB1755) federated, statewide integrated Water Data Portal. The scope includes enhancements to the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) Open Data Platform (ODP) and Analytic Data Platform (ADP) (a.k.a. CNRA Data Eco-System) to add the features and capabilities needed to meet the business needs of the AB 1755 program.N/A
Natural ResourcesWater Resources, Department ofCASGEM and OSWCR M&ODelegatedThe Department of Water Resources proposes to maintain and make enhancements to two existing systems, the California Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Online System (CASGEM OS) and the Online System for Well Completion Reports (OSWCR), to meet changing business requirements.N/A
Natural ResourcesDelta Stewardship CouncilDelta Plan Performance Measures Reporting System (Reporting System)DelegatedThe Council proposes to design and build a web-based reporting system to share Delta Plan Performance Measures. As required by the Delta Reform Act of 2009 and the Delta Plan, this reporting system will enable Council members and staff, the Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee, Federal, State and Local agencies, and the public to view all thirty-two Delta Plan output/outcome performance measures. This new reporting system will be an online tool used to track performance metrics, baseline and targets, to communicate the performance analytics, and to provide status reports on achieving the coequal goals and the Delta Plan objectives.N/A
Environmental ProtectionAir Resources Board, StateElectronic Document Management System (EDMS)DelegatedThe California Air Resources Board proposes to replace the current Document Management System used in the New Motor Vehicles and Mobile Source Engines Certification Program in order to modernize the system, meet increasing demands, and improve service.N/A
Environmental ProtectionAir Resources Board, StateLocal Government Climate Action Database (LGCAD)DelegatedThe California Air Resources Board proposes to develop an online visualization tool that catalogs and showcases strategies local governments planned and/or implemented to meet statewide greenhouse gas emission reduction goals as identified in Assembly Bill 32.N/A
Environmental ProtectionAir Resources Board, StateCalifornia Air Resources Board Asset Management (CARBAM)DelegatedThe California Air Resources Board (CARB) proposes to implement a board-wide asset management system to manage the acquisition, maintenance, control, and disposition of CARB-controlled state property consisting of over 25,000 items worth over $20 million.N/A
Environmental ProtectionAir Resources Board, StateExternal Website RedesignDelegatedThe California Air Resources Board (CARB) proposes to enhance the external website to create a consistent representation of CARB, enhance user experience, and improve content delivery.N/A
Environmental ProtectionAir Resources Board, StateAB 617 Technology ClearinghouseDelegatedThe California Air Resources Board proposes to update and enhance the Best Available Control Technology (BACT) Clearinghouse database of emission control technologies pursuant to the requirements of Assembly Bill 617.N/A
Environmental ProtectionAir Resources Board, StatePrescribed Fire Smoke App (PFSA)DelegatedThe California Air Resources Board, Air Quality Planning and Science Division, proposes to develop an application that will integrate air quality data with Prescribed Fire and Wildfire emissions in real-time to help the public understand the sources of smoke, and how they can protect themselves from smoke. This will facilitate the public's understanding of the benefits of prescribed fires and help to support an increased amount of burning that needs to occur.N/A
Environmental ProtectionAir Resources Board, StateClean Air Reporting Log (CARL) Redesign17506470MediumThe California Air Resource Board, Mobile Source Control Division, proposes to upgrade the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database in order to improve current functionality and sustainability of the system. Improvements will provide Program with ability to eliminate manual processing of projects not currently supported by CARL, more efficient processing of applications, location based emission reduction projects, less reliance on programming changes to make regular annual updates, add Greenhouse Gas functionality, and provide a technology refresh so that the new system is more secure, less prone to breakdown, and more supportable by programming staff.Yellow
Environmental ProtectionAir Resources Board, StateClean Truck Check- Vehicle Inspection System (CTC-VIS)43542164HighThe California Air Resources Board proposes to create a compliance database for the upcoming Heavy-Duty Inspection and Maintenance program to house and store vehicle inspection data and determine compliance with the program.Green
Environmental ProtectionAir Resources Board, StateCarbon Removal Project Portal (CRPP)LowSenate Bill 905 requires the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to establish a Carbon Capture, Removal, Utilization, and Storage Program (Program). Fulfilling CARB requirements of SB 905 will include development of a unified application system (CRPP) to manage and disseminate carbon capture, removal, and sequestration project information for purposes of obtaining project permit approvals in the state.N/A
Environmental ProtectionAir Resources Board, StateBuilding Embodied Carbon Reporting Tool (BECRT)LowCARB proposes to design and build a tracking and reporting system for building embodied carbon where regulated entities can report the mandated declaration of carbon intensity relating to construction materials and ensure the goals outlined in Assembly Bill 2446. There is no existing system that can be adapted to serve this purpose. The proposed system will facilitate and fulfill the Bill’s requirements for regulated entities and CARB.N/A
Environmental ProtectionAir Resources Board, StateAdvanced Clean Cars (ACC) II ZEV Requirements Tracking SystemLowCARB proposes to create a system that provides a single, seamless web user interface for participant registration, zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) account management across Section 177 (§177) States and Manufacturers, and reporting and administration of the ZEV regulation, pursuant to California Code of Regulations, section 1962.4. This will verify if manufacturers that produce and deliver for sale passenger cars and light-duty trucks in California are complying with the Advanced Clean Cars II (ACC II) ZEV regulation.N/A
Environmental ProtectionAir Resources Board, StateFiscal Services Division Fee Collection and Invoice Management System (FSD FCIMS)LowA new internal system for the Accounting and Budget Programs (FSD) will manage invoices, payments, customer databases, reconciliation, and reporting. This system will integrate with existing programs and generate output files for FI$Cal upload, enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and mitigating the risk of backlogs, excessive staff hours, and additional manual processing.N/A
Environmental ProtectionPesticide Regulation, Department ofCalifornia Pesticide Electronic Submission Tracking (CalPEST) (Formerly Known as PRDMS)26413043High​The California Department of Pesticide Regulation proposes to develop a fully integrated system to encompass the pesticide product registration process and offer online functions to external stakeholders. The system will decrease the time needed to accept, review, and process product registration materials and provide online functions for stakeholder submission of related materials and payments.Yellow
Environmental ProtectionPesticide Regulation, Department ofComplaint Tracking ApplicationDelegatedThe California Department of Pesticide Regulation proposes to procure the development of a mobile application that will facilitate immediate routing of pesticide related complaints to the appropriate County Agricultural Commissioner office, allowing immediate follow up and access to incident location and pesticide specific details.N/A
Environmental ProtectionPesticide Regulation, Department ofStatewide Notifications Project AKA SprayDays5438347DelegatedCalifornia has the most robust state pesticide regulatory program in the nation, jointly administered by the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and local county agricultural commissioners (CACs). DPR and the CACs strictly enforce pesticide regulatory requirements, including prohibitions against pesticide drift, to ensure pesticide applications are safe and effective. Despite these efforts, pesticide drift sometimes occurs and can harm the public, workers, the environment, and neighboring crops. To protect the health of community residents, and provide equitable access to important information about pesticide use, we are proposing the implementation of a statewide infrastructure network, the Pesticide Notification Network, including a local pilot, to notify residents of hazardous pesticide applications. The notification system will enable residents to take common-sense measures, such as closing windows or avoiding an application site, to further protect themselves, and particularly sensitive populations, from potential pesticide exposure. DPR is launching a process this summer to develop and adopt statewide regulations requiring advance public notification of certain pesticide applications.N/A
Environmental ProtectionWater Resources Control Board, StateCEDEN/SWAMP Database Consolidation and Advanced Query Tool (AQT) UpgradeDelegatedThe State Water Resources Control Board proposes to improve efficiencies for data submissions/acceptance, reduce redundancy, reduce reliance on contractors, and improve the timeliness of data available to the public.N/A
Environmental ProtectionWater Resources Control Board, StateGroundwater Extraction and Reporting System (GEARS)DelegatedThe State Water Resources Control Board proposes to develop a new ground water extraction reporting software system to monitor extraction activities in groundwater basins.N/A
Environmental ProtectionWater Resources Control Board, StateWaterTAP (WT)MediumThe State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Division of Drinking Water (DDW) proposes a data collection, evaluation, and tracking tool to meet the requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Lead and Copper Rule Revision.N/A
Environmental ProtectionWater Resources Control Board, StateData Modernization to Support the Directives in the Water Supply Strategy (WSS)MediumThe proposal supports implementation of the Governor’s California’s Water Supply Strategy, Adapting to a Hotter, Drier Future (WSS). This includes resources to modernize data infrastructure to integrate forecasting, data, and information management to give water managers readily available data to manage water quality threats and progress towards 2030 and 2040 supply goals. This will consist of improvements in electronic reporting of volumetric data, laboratory analyses, field data collection, and associated data checkers to confirm accuracy of data submittals.N/A
Environmental ProtectionWater Resources Control Board, StateWater Use Objective Report (WUOR)LowTo implement the urban sector water use element of the Water Supply Strategy, and to implement 2018 water conservation legislation (AB 1668 and SB 606), the Water Resources Control Board (through the Office of Research, Planning, and Performance; the Division of Drinking Water; and the Division of Information Technology) proposes to develop a new reporting form within the existing Water Board system (the “SAFER Clearinghouse”). The new form would facilitate the reporting requirements associated with the proposed regulation to “Make Conservation a California Way of Life” (MCCWL). (Note: this proposal is different from another proposal to implement a different part of the Water Supply Strategy. This proposal is to add a module to the SAFER Clearinghouse and to interact with distinct data systems.)
MCCWL calls for urban retail water suppliers (water agencies that deliver 3,000+ acre-feet of water to customers on an annual basis) to calculate “urban water use objectives” (objectives). An objective is the sum of data-driven and standard-based budgets for a subset of urban uses (e.g., residential indoor water use). Successful implementation of MCCWL will depend on a robust data collection form with built-in data validation and an intuitive interface. Furthermore, the data collection protocol shall adhere to Water Code section 10609.15, which calls for minimizing duplicative data reporting and adhering to the Open and Transparent Water Data Act. The proposed reporting form will utilize information gathered from other Water Board datasets to pre-fill many corresponding fields within the new report. Because the proposed reporting form will integrate existing data, it would enable agencies to submit the required information in a low-cost, streamlined manner.
Environmental ProtectionWater Resources Control Board, StateCalifornia Wetlands and Riparian Area Protection Portal (CalWRAPP) previously Dredge/FillLowThis proposal seeks to develop an electronic application system to issue permits for discharges of dredged or fill material that may affect water quality under section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act for federal waters and under the Porter-Cologne for non-federal waters. The proposed system will streamline the application and review process, provide a tracking and reporting mechanism for projects, and improve water quality by providing a consistent and transparent process for managing and tracking compliance with regulatory timelines for projects to avoid waiver.N/A
Environmental ProtectionWater Resources Control Board, StateCalifornia Environmental Regulatory Data Security Initiative (CERDSI)LowThe existing Microsoft Access database vital to the Division of Drinking Water (DDW) Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) is obsolete and routinely experiences numerous data loss and failure events. Complete failure of the database is inevitable and will result in cessation of ELAP operations and prevent ELAP from performing its essential function to accredit laboratories. Such a failure will affect statewide regulators relying on laboratory data to make decisions to protect public health and the environment. This initiative will fund the planning to replace the failing database and ensure security of California regulatory agency data through the protection and improvement of ELAP’s accreditation program database.
A new database and staff to support its development, implementation, and operations are needed to avert the danger attached to the imminent failure of the existing database.
Environmental ProtectionWater Resources Control Board, StateSB 3 Water Protection Shut Off Act (SB 3)LowCreation of a database to fulfill the requirements of SB 3 to track drinking water system compliance with water shut-off provisions of the new statute.N/A
Environmental ProtectionToxic Substances Control, Department ofSB 1215 - UWED Modernization1928665DelegatedThe Universal Waste Electronic Devices (UWED) system is an online reporting system for handlers who generate, collect, recycle, and/or export electronic waste to submit the required notifications and annual reports to DTSC. The UWED system was developed in the early 2000’s. In 2022, SB 1215 was signed into law, and it requires Covered Battery-Embedded Products (CBEP) to be added to the E-waste Recycling Act. As such, CBEP would have to be added to the device category in the UWEDdatabase. Based on the inputs from OEIM, it was determined that making changes to the currentsystem could prove to be difficult due to the age of the system (I.e., the coding language is no longersupported). DTSC proposes to replace the legacy e-waste (UWED) reporting system with anupdated system to handle legislative mandates for new waste streams and enhance security.N/A
Environmental ProtectionResources Recycling and Recovery, Department ofRecycling and Disposal Reporting System (RDRS) CompletionDelegatedAssembly Bill 901 (Gordon, 2015) changes how organics, recyclable material, and solid waste are reported to the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). Disposal, recycling, and compost facilities, as well as exporters, brokers, and transporters of recyclables or compost will be required to submit information directly to CalRecycle on the types, quantities, and destinations of materials that are disposed of, sold, or transferred inside or outside of the state. To implement this new reporting requirement, the CalRecycle Information Technology Services designed and has begun implementation of the Recycling and Disposal Reporting System (RDRS). This project is to complete the build and implementation of RDRS by June 30, 2020.N/A
Environmental ProtectionResources Recycling and Recovery, Department ofCovered Electronic Waste Information System (CEWIS) UpgradeDelegatedThe current California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Covered Electronic Waste Information System (CEWIS) handles the receipt, review, approval, and tracking of claims totaling more than $50 million each year. The CEWIS application needs a technology upgrade (Web Forms to MVC) and development of new functionality including online claim creation. The current hard copy-based claim process results in about 40% of staff time being spent on data entry, error correction, document preparation, etc. After the general technology upgrade of the application itself, enabling electronic claim submission is the largest driver for this project.N/A
Environmental ProtectionResources Recycling and Recovery, Department ofCalRecycle Integrated Information System (CRIIS)100597018HighA single enterprise solution to consolidate and manage CalRecycle’s 31 recyclable material and waste management systems that is scalable for future materials and program growth.Green
Environmental ProtectionResources Recycling and Recovery, Department ofPackaging Extended Producer Responsibility System (PEPRS) Project2439655DelegatedThe (CalRecycle), (SB54 Compliance Program), proposes to develop an IT application to streamline data reporting and registration processes, ensuring compliance with SB54, Article 10, Section 18980.10. Program and IT will work collaboratively to develop new processes and a new application to support the processes and the statute. This application will enhance accuracy, efficiency, and data quality. It will enable producers, Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs) or any reporting entity to report data, update their information, and maintain compliance with the regulations.N/A
Environmental ProtectionEnvironmental Health Hazard Assessment, Office ofStatewide Extreme Heat Ranking System web/mobile application (Heat Ranking System App) AB 2238LowAssembly Bill 2238 requires CalEPA to develop a statewide extreme heat ranking system. In order to effectively implement the extreme heat ranking system, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) proposes a mobile application to facilitate the sharing of critical, time-sensitive information to a wide audience. The app would include the heat ranking system and provide locally relevant information about upcoming heat events, such as resources for reducing heat exposures, and local resources such as cooling centers. A complementary webpage with similar information would also be developed to support the ranking system.N/A
Health and Human ServicesEmergency Medical Services AuthorityCalifornia Emergency Medical Advancement Project (CEMAP)2300000MediumEstablishment of a software system to support regulation criteria associated with the collection, monitoring, disseminating, and analyzing Community Paramedicine (CP) program or triage to alternate destination (TAD) programs and the certification of CP on a paramedic license.N/A
Health and Human ServicesEmergency Medical Services AuthorityEMSA Enterprise Services and Data Management (ESDM)43566041MediumEMSA seeks to implement a set of enterprise automation and data capabilities that will inform and support improvements to both its programmatic service delivery and its internal operations. The resultant solution will automate key processes, first focusing on programmatic data collection and presentation but ultimately supporting enterprise operations and administrative efficiency. It will support cross-functional analytics, allowing for a better understanding on how to improve programmatic outcomes related to the provision of emergency medical services, while also capturing key workload data and informing capacity needs. Through this solution set, EMSA will have the ability to meet the requirements of existing and new legislation related to its key programs, as well as the opportunity to reduce the reliance on and costs associated with manual operations and third-party service support. This project will also reduce costs and improve efficiencies by eliminating point solution systems as the existing functionality is shifted to this single enterprise platform. EMSA proposes to first establish a robust workflow engine platform and to then iteratively establish and implement data management and automation efficiency capabilities that support prioritized strategic and operational use cases.N/A
Health and Human ServicesEmergency Medical Services AuthorityElectronic Central Registry and Case Management Modernization (ECRCMM)LowThe Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) proposes to replace its existing legacy licensing, enforcement, legal, and information management Central Registry system that is comprised of two solutions that are at end of support. The new solution will include modern technical advancements to support required real-time integration of data, and analytical capabilities leading to early intervention strategies to enhance the health and well-being of Californians.N/A
Health and Human ServicesHealth Care Access and Information, Department ofeServices Portal - Electronic Document Review (eSP-EDR)739780DelegatedThe Office of Statewide Health and Planning Development, Facilities Development Division, proposes to implement an Electronic Document Review (EDR) to improve efficiency and costs in the review of construction documents and plans.N/A
Health and Human ServicesHealth Care Access and Information, Department ofHealth Care Debt and Fair Billing (AB 1020)8318492DelegatedHCAI proposes to design, develop and implement an information technology (IT) system to support the new collection of hospital debt collection policies for analysis. In addition, the system will also track receipt of complaints and hospital compliance as mandated under the provisions of Assembly Bill (AB 1020), Chapter 473, amended to Health and Safety Code (HSC) Sections 127400-127446.N/A
Health and Human ServicesManaged Health Care, Department ofNIMBUS CAP Modernization (SB-858)8887509LowThe DMHC proposes to leverage low-code software development technology to consolidate disparate Corrective Action Plan (CAP) systems under a single enterprise system that will be dynamic and scalable to meet the needs of existing and future CAP types and processes. SB-858 authorizes the DMHC director to impose a corrective action plan for any reason to ensure future compliance with the Knox-Keene act, including CAPs beyond the scope of the DMHCs current Enforcement Action and Health Plan Financial CAP systems. A modern Enterprise CAP system will allow DMHC to consolidate existing and future CAP processes within one system.N/A
Health and Human ServicesManaged Health Care, Department ofCustomer Relationship Management (CRM) Modernization (CRM Mod)MediumThe Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) proposes to implement a modern CRM solution to enhance the efficiencies of program operations to address the increasing workload and ultimately lessen the need for significant staffing increases in the future. The proposed solution would implement business process efficiencies and new requirements by:
• Reducing complaint processing time, leading to faster resolution of health care consumer complaints related to health care services, financial responsibilities, and health care education,
• Providing health care consumers, providers, and health plans with real-time case tracking to improve operational efficiencies by reducing contacts from consumers and providers requesting case status information, and
• Improving Help Center data entry and quality to allow better, real-time trend analysis to identify and address adverse systemic trends impacting health care consumer outcomes.
Health and Human ServicesManaged Health Care, Department ofIdentity and Access Management (IDAM)MediumThe DMHC proposes to add data management capabilities to support unified user identity and
persona management. The DMHC seeks to implement an Enterprise Identity and Access
Management (IDAM) that will enable the department to effectively and efficiently manage external
user authentication and authorization using industry best practices. This Enterprise IDAM will
expand the scope and availability of the current system to provide authentication and authorization
with modern protocols, multi-factor authentication (MFA), single sign-on (SSO) capability, and
modern accessible user interfaces. These features will lay the foundation for DMHC to modernize
applications across multiple platforms and meet security mandates.
Health and Human ServicesManaged Health Care, Department ofWeb Accessible Service Portal Replacement (WASP)LowDMHC proposes to deploy a modern, workflow driven Enterprise Service Management (ESM) platform to replace its existing Cherwell Software, low-code Software as a Service (SaaS) solution for ESM. Ivanti has announced that the DMHC’s current solution, Cherwell Customer Service Management, will reach end of life effective December 31st, 2026, on which date DMHC’s SaaS solution will cease to operate. The DMHC will need to procure a new platform and consulting services to implement and stabilize a new solution prior to end of life.
The Office of Technology and Innovation (OTI) is evaluating modern ESM solutions to provide IT Service Management (ITSM) and Business Services Management (BSM) to provide better service delivery and improved employee experience. This effort is a continuation of DMHC’s approach to leverage low-code, SaaS platform solutions to deliver required program functionality at the speed of need, rather than with the need for speed. The DMHC proposes to continue leveraging low-code capabilities for ITSM to support emerging business needs and improve operational insight for the IT and Facility service management teams, as well as internal DMHC users.
DMHC’s current WASP Enterprise Service Management (ESM) solution consists of both IT Service Management (ITSM) and Business Service Management (BSM) capabilities.
Health and Human ServicesManaged Health Care, Department ofElectronic Filing and Analysis of Claims Settlement Data (eFACS)LowThe Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) seeks to implement an Electronic Filing and Analysis of Claims Settlement data solution enabling the Office of Financial Review (OFR) to improve program efficiencies for electronic filing of all documents by health plans and their delegated entities. The resultant solution will allow OFR to review claims payment timeliness data in a faster manner, identify and categorize claims payment timeliness issues more efficiently, and analyze the claims payment timeliness trends to determine the appropriate action. While the scope of this proposal is focused on the implementation of a complete solution for the Electronic Filing and Analysis of Claims Settlement Data, DMHC proposes to first implement an interim solution (a Maintenance and Operations – M&O – effort that is not within the scope of this project proposal) to meet the statutory requirements of AB 3275. Effective January 1, 2026, this bill has the following statutory requirements:
• Health plans and capitated providers, including Medi-Cal and specialized plans, are required to reimburse complete claims within 30 calendar days (instead of the current limit of 45 working days)
• Health plans and capitated providers are required to contest or deny claims in writing within 30 calendar days.
• Health plans and capitated providers are required to file quarterly and annual reports in compliance with the updated requirements of the new law.
Health and Human ServicesAging, Department ofCustomers Holistic Aging Relationship Management Project (CHARM)31056284MediumThe California Department of Aging is seeking to develop a data relationship management solution to provide the infrastructure to achieve the core objective to modernize and incorporate new technologies to better serve the public, partners and CDA staff. The modernization of CDA’s data system will improve and enhance the department’s data, business intelligence and relationship management across all CDA programs.N/A
Health and Human ServicesAging, Department ofCalifornia Aging Disability Web Portal (CADWP)MediumThis proposal seeks to provide a single, statewide source of reliable and consistent information to inform and empower a person’s choice of how to evaluate his/her need and to successfully engage LTSS (Long Term Services and Supports) assistance. This can help them get the right services and information at the right time potential improving well-being, quality of life, and longevity. CADWP will provide streamlined and standardized information on the array of services available in order to better connect people with the services and supports they need, when they need it. Consumers and providers will access the portal, including Aging and Disability Resource Connections (ADRCs), Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), Independent Living Centers (ILCs), and other partners as part of a coordinated service delivery system. CADWP will consolidate, organize, and share LTSS information in a way that is accurate, clearly stated, accessible, and understandable for older adults and people with disabilities from any income source/level. Additionally, CADWP will be a useful tool for the LTSS providers (including discharge planners) by providing reliable information that supports institutional diversion and transition efforts and securing the right LTSS at the right time.N/A
Health and Human ServicesAging, Department ofMultipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) Case Management System13495683MediumCDA proposes to develop a MSSP statewide case management solution that will streamline efficiency, facilitate transparency, and synthesize reporting. Modernizing and standardizing CDA’s programmatic data and decision-support framework provides timely delivery of quality service. MSSP is seeking a solution to help manage and control tasks associated with daily operations, such as care management, tracking critical incidents, data sharing and electronic billing. The new solution would also support enhanced data collection, consolidation, reporting and monitoring.N/A
Health and Human ServicesHealth Care Services, Department ofSubstance Use Disorders (SUDs) Primary Prevention Data Collection SystemDelegatedThe Department of Health Care Services proposes to replace its existing Substance Use Disorder (SUD) primary prevention data collection application due to the expiration of the current Software as a Service (SaaS) contract.N/A
Health and Human ServicesHealth Care Services, Department ofNewborn Hearing Screening Program Data Management System (NHSPDMS}3494799DelegatedThe Department of Health Care Services, Integrated Systems of Care Division, proposes to procure a vendor to provide a Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)/Software as a Service (SaaS) Data Management System for California's Newborn Hearing Screening Program (NHSP).N/A
Health and Human ServicesHealth Care Services, Department ofOmbudsman (OMB) Customer Relationship Management (CRM)784705DelegatedThe Department of Health Care Services proposes to automate the Ombudsman (OMB) Case Management process to improve efficiency, reduce manual processes, and enhance reporting capabilities related to OMB Customer Relationship Management (CRM) beneficiary information.N/A
Health and Human ServicesHealth Care Services, Department ofInteroperability ProjectMediumThe purpose of the proposed project is for the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), as the State Medicaid Agency (SMA), to implement Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for Patient Access, Provider Directory, and Drug Formulary to comply with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule. The APIs will enable beneficiaries to access personal health information, list of providers, and outpatient prescription drugs via Third Party Applications. The implementation of APIs will empower beneficiaries to coordinate their own health care, provide opportunity for providers and beneficiaries to make informed health care decisions, and reduce the burden to payers and providers that can lead to better health outcomes for beneficiaries.N/A
Health and Human ServicesHealth Care Services, Department ofMedicaid Enterprise Management System (MES) ModernizationMediumIn October 2019, the DHCS incorporated CA-MMIS Modernization, Behavioral Health modernization and Medical Eligibility modernization efforts into newly created MES Modernization Division to focus on enterprise-wide Medicaid system modernization. Effective July 1, 2020, DHCS no longer references CA-MMIS Modernization as an effort or requests funds for CA-MMIS Modernization; instead, any current or future CAMMIS Modernization efforts are integrated with MES Modernization. MES Modernization portfolio consists of the efforts associated with the modernization of the Medi-Cal enterprise with an expected duration of at least 10 years. Current projects under MES Modernization include: Federal Draw and Reporting (FDR) project (M&O Phase), Cal-ARM (DDI Phase), Behavior Health Modernization (PAL Stage 3) and MedCompass (M&O Phase). The CDT continues to provide oversight on the overall MES Modernization effort (CDT oversight started on CA-MMIS Modernization effort in July 2018). Currently the CDT oversight is focused on the MES Modernization Division’s progress toward developing an overall approach and strategy to enterprise-wide Medicaid system modernization. In December 2021, CDT began piloting a new Portfolio IPOR template to better align with assessing portfolio-level health. In addition, CDT is providing oversight on CalARM and supporting planning activities for the projects in PAL.Green
Health and Human ServicesHealth Care Services, Department ofHR+ Modernization (HR+ Mod)MediumThe Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) HR+ Mod project seeks to replace existing processes and systems with a comprehensive human resource and supporting financial management solution that will improve the Department’s ability to manage employee information, hiring, onboarding, offboarding, timekeeping, position control, data, cost allocation, and data exchange. Today, the Department’s antiquated systems and processes do not allow DHCS to operate efficiently. The systems are not maintainable, cannot be enhanced, require manual workarounds, and do not allow for information exchange with modern systems. The HR+ Mod project will provide DHCS with a modern solution that meets today’s human resources and supporting financial management needs and will improve program operating efficiency.N/A
Health and Human ServicesHealth Care Services, Department ofClinical Data Exchange (CDE)577975DelegatedThe Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) identified a need for authorized users to access and/or retrieve clinical information for Medi-Cal beneficiaries to support program activities. Health Information Exchange (HIE) allows health care professionals, payers, public health agencies, and patients to appropriately and securely share clinical information electronically. With the growing adoption of HIE in California, and the increasing emphasis the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is placing on interoperability and HIE, DHCS determined that program areas would be best served by developing a capability for HIE.N/A
Health and Human ServicesHealth Care Services, Department ofAdvancing Interoperability and Prior Authorizations Project (AIPA)MediumThe California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) will implement the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and reporting capabilities mandated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Advancing Interoperability and Improving Prior Authorization Processes final rule (CMS-0057-F). The scope of this effort includes the following:
• Design, develop, and implement three new Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) APIs, including the Payer-to-Payer API, Provider Access API, and Prior Authorization API.
• Update the existing Patient Access API with additional data elements and align to new standards and specifications in accordance with the CMS final rule.
• Implement a new prior authorization service to centralize transactions and align with industry standards, specifications, policies, and procedures.
• Enhance the enterprise data environment to consume new data points required for the APIs and public/reporting capabilities for the Patient Access API and Prior Authorizations.
Health and Human ServicesPublic Health, Department ofRedesign Health Facilities Consumer Information System (HFCIS)DelegatedThe California Department of Public Health proposes to update the existing Health Facilities Consumer Information System that was implemented in April 2008.N/A
Health and Human ServicesPublic Health, Department ofABX2-15 ReportingDelegatedThe California Department of Public Health proposes to develop and implement the information technology components necessary for compliance with the Assembly Bill (AB) X15.N/A
Health and Human ServicesPublic Health, Department ofFuture Disease Surveillance System Project (FDSS)MediumThe CDPH proposes to procure a disease surveillance system to address operational inefficiencies associated with manual processes and lack of access to timely and complete data to perform local and statewide disease surveillance.N/A
Health and Human ServicesPublic Health, Department ofCAIR2 Message Broker (CAIR2)4822260DelegatedThe California Department of Public Health proposed to implement an external message broker for California’s immunization information registry that could receive and audit vaccination data, even during system outages, to support its COVID-19 vaccination campaign, ensure the accuracy and timeliness of immunization data, help immunize Californians against COVID-19, and comply with federal reporting requirements.N/A
Health and Human ServicesPublic Health, Department ofDental Referral Management System (DRMS)1334850DelegatedThe Office of Oral Health, California Department of Public Health requests the creation of a California Dental Referral Management System to link children and parents to a dental provider, track referral closure, and measure performance of the program.N/A
Health and Human ServicesPublic Health, Department ofCalifornia Immunization Registry 3 (CAIR3)34924007LowCDPH proposes the replacement of the current state immunization information system (IIS), CAIR2 (California Immunization Registry 2). The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the significant weaknesses and limitations with the CAIR2 system in handling large-scale vaccination events. This effort will improve California immunization data quality and the Department’s ability to address large-scale disasters such as the COVID-19 pandemic moving forward.N/A
Health and Human ServicesPublic Health, Department ofCentralized Application Branch Online Project (CAB Online)MediumThe California Department of Public Health (CDPH) proposes to refresh the technology of its license application submission system (Adobe Experience Manager), enable 33 additional health care facilities to submit applications electronically, and integrate the new license application submission system with other CDPH systems, including the Electronic License Management System (ELMS). ELMS is a CDPH’sN/A
Health and Human ServicesPublic Health, Department ofFuture of Public HealthMediumThe FoPH portfolio of strategic initiatives aims to modernize the department’s public health information technology infrastructure and systems, data, and workforce pipeline. It will also establish comprehensive governance with lean/agile continuous delivery capabilities, including DevOps.The scope of the FoPH Portfolio includes ten strategic level initiatives. Each of these initiatives may result in Project Approval Lifecycle (PAL) project proposals. The initial goals of the FoPH are to plan the foundational enterprise objectives and timelines and prepare implementation strategies for modernizing public health information technology infrastructure and systems and implement the Ecosystem of Data Sharing (EODS). CDPH is currently establishing the portfolio governance and management processes.Green
Health and Human ServicesPublic Health, Department ofOffice of Problem Gambling (OPG) Data Management Replacement System (DMS) Project2195466LowThe California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Center for Healthy Communities (CHC), Substance and Addiction Prevention Branch, Office of Problem Gambling – Collection and Storage of Treatment Services, administers the Welfare and Institution Code (W&I Code), Section 4369.2 (a), mandating development of a comprehensive treatment program for California residents who have a gambling disorder or who are individuals affected by those with a gambling disorder. The Department proposes the development of a new, more efficient data collection method to minimize errors and the need for manual intervention, which will result in more accurate and higher quality data reports and trend analysis, and support data-based decisions.N/A
Health and Human ServicesPublic Health, Department ofLead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair, and Painting Certification Program (SB 1076)MediumCreate the ability for online submittal and payment of Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) firm and individual application for certification. This will require new and updated functionality of the existing Lead Related Construction Certification (LRCC) program.N/A
Health and Human ServicesPublic Health, Department ofEnterprise Portfolio Management Project (ePMP)1171427DelegatedCDPH (California Department of Public Health) proposes to obtain and implement enhanced business process automation and reporting capabilities for its project portfolio management system within the Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Office (ePMO). This is part of CDPH’s effort to enable a new enterprise class of tools enabling rapidly scalable solutions in support of emerging business needs and improve operational insight for an increasingly complex array of critical state information technology solutions. ePMO plans to replace legacy tools, simplify its portfolio, and streamline operational processes through standardization while reducing interdepartmental risk.Green
Health and Human ServicesPublic Health, Department ofEmergency Preparedness Office (EPO) Receiving, Staging and Storing (RSS) Warehouse Supply Chain Management Solution (RSS SCM)4164899LowThe CDPH emergency pharmaceutical warehouse is a facility designed to store and distribute temperature-controlled medical supplies and pharmaceuticals during public health emergencies and disasters. The current system is insufficient for CDPH emergency operations. This uncertainty creates a risk to operations and a risk to the overall ability of CDPH to respond to emergencies at critical moments .warehouse operations. Current CDPH warehouse operations share use of the Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) Nexgen Asset Management system. The purpose of this project is to implement a supply chain management (SCM) solution to support and manage the operations and logistics of CDPH’s emergency pharmaceutical warehouse. CDPH intends to bring a SCM solution in-house to better customize a comprehensive and integrated solution to improve the coordination with the Office of Emergency Services and local health jurisdictions, which will ultimately preserve the continuity of the provision of emergency services to the people of California.N/A
Health and Human ServicesPublic Health, Department ofCalifornia Integrated Vital Records System Enhancement (Cal IVRS)LowThis proposal is requesting the modernization of the infrastructure of existing systems in the Vital Records and Data Dissemination process, for scalability and improve flexible services for timely and appropriate access to actionable data in the public health ecosystem. Continued development (dev-ops) of vital records operating systems to implement interoperability solutions to make data capture more efficient, thereby continuing California's capability for electronic vital records registration and data reporting to our many federal, state, county partners and researchers, contractors, and stakeholders. The versioning upgrades are needed to improve the quality of data at the time of capture and to implement solutions designed to speed the transmission of data to internal and external partners and ensure Cal IVRS is compliant with WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines and accessible to all members of the public.N/A
Health and Human ServicesPublic Health, Department ofMaternal Child and Adolescent Health - Financial, Contracts and Operations System (MCAH FCOS)LowCDPH proposes to replace the existing antiquated, manual-based contract management information system (CMIS) used by the Center for Family Health’s Maternal Child and Adolescent Health (MCAH) programs with a technology system to ensure accurate and efficient fiscal and contract management of the federal and state funds received by MCAH. The current process is antiquated with limited capability, still uses the old California State Accounting and Reporting System (CalSTARS) accounting system, labor intensive, and can no longer be supported by CDPH ITSD technical team. The purpose of this system replacement is to create an automated system that aligns with the Financial Information System for California (FI$Cal) system, reduce errors by minimizing reliance on manual labor, and expand functionalities to ensure greater federal and state fiscal accountability.N/A
Health and Human ServicesPublic Health, Department ofLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Disparities Reduction Act (AB 1163)LowAssembly Bill (AB) 1163 expands the data collection requirements in the LGBT Disparities Reduction Act, to also apply to the State Department of State Hospitals, the Department of Rehabilitation, the State Department of Developmental Services, and the Department of Community Services and Development. The bill adds “intersexuality” to the voluntary self-identification information pertaining to sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) by all governmental agencies identified on this bill. The bill requires the California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS) to come into compliance with the requirements of the LGBT Disparities Reduction Act as early as possible after January 1, 2025, but no later than July 1, 2026.N/A
Health and Human ServicesPublic Health, Department ofAnimal Testing Methods Web Portal (AB 357)MediumThe Reporting of Animal Testing Methods (AB 357) project creates a system for submitting, managing, and querying animal testing reports. Manufacturers and contract testing facilities will be able to submit required testing reports. This system will also allow the Center for Laboratory Sciences to evaluate reports, redacting proprietary information, and to publish the reports on a public-facing web page. This project is envisioned to leverage components of the Future of Public Health (FoPH) enterprise licensing system to enhance the services that can be provided, and to reduce project cost.N/A
Health and Human ServicesDevelopmental Services, Department ofClinical Facilities Software - Electronic Health Record (CFS-EHR)MediumThe Department of Developmental services proposes to replace the clinical software used at the state operated Developmental Center, Community Facility and at the growing network of Stabilization, Training, Assistance Reintegration (STAR) Homes.N/A
Health and Human ServicesDevelopmental Services, Department ofConsumer Electronic Records Management System (CERMS) and Uniform Fiscal System Modernization (UFSM)144276698MediumThe Department of Developmental services proposes to replace the disparate consumer electronic records management systems used by the twenty-one non-profit regional centers, with a modern solution that meets the needs of regional centers, the State, service providers, and people served.
The Department of Developmental services proposes to modernize the legacy Uniform Fiscal System (UFS) accounting application used by the twenty-one non-profit regional centers.
Health and Human ServicesState Hospitals, Department ofContinuum Electronic Health Record (EHR)269136288HighThe Department of State Hospitals proposes to implement the core functionality of an electronic health record in order to address crucial business needs related to standardized patient registration, pharmacy inventory management, and billing operations.Green
Health and Human ServicesState Hospitals, Department ofPharmacy Modernization21014803LowThe Department of State Hospitals (DSH) proposes to implement pharmacy modernization that will consist of inventory, unit dose repackaging, automated dispensing, and patient specific medication billing as well as pharmacy data integration requiring rearchitecting the existing pharmacy related application environment to accommodate the new pharmacy system. Pharmacy Modernization will directly improve patient care and hospital operations. In addition, this will allow DSH to effectively track inventory, enhance patient medication safety, capture patient specific medication billing to increase revenues, and decrease the likelihood of drug shortages.Green
Health and Human ServicesState Hospitals, Department ofCost Recovery System Programming Update (CRSPU)3252914DelegatedThe Department of State Hospitals (DSH) proposes to extend existing software programming functionality for the Cost Recovery System (CRS), providing resources dedicated to the IT billing infrastructure that focuses on billing and collection needs, improves patient cost recovery efforts to increase revenue, manages risk, and ultimately decreases pressure on the General Fund.N/A
Health and Human ServicesState Hospitals, Department ofCONREP Operations Data and Support System (CODSS)MediumThe Department of State Hospitals (DSH) Conditional Release Program (CONREP) and Technology Services Division (TSD) proposes to implement an enterprise patient/client tracking solution to address the expanded continuum of care programs. The proposed solution will be used to appropriately track, monitor, and report patient information from hospitals and counties through a Web-based enterprise solution and is set to replace the existing standalone manual process with an automated one. The proposed solution will include hardware and software components, to collect patient information, monitoring the population served and ultimately provide improved patient care.N/A
Health and Human ServicesChild Support Services, Department ofSupportConnect Mobile Application (SCMA - 2022)LowThe COVID-19 pandemic intensified the critical need for DCSS to provide modern mobile application services to its customers. DCSS proposes a full replacement of the current limited-use DCSS Mobile Application with a more interactive integrated application. The new SupportConnect Mobile Application will enhance the well-being of children by promoting parental responsibility in a secure, easy to use, visually appealing design where parents can enroll in the Child Support Program, collaborate, and manage their children’s needs, access case information, and connect with a Child Support professional in a way that best fits their family dynamic.N/A
Health and Human ServicesSocial Services, Department ofFacility Management System (FMS)57856242MediumThe California Department of Social Services proposes to leverage a new licensing system to meet the business needs of the other licensing programs, providing an integrated system that ensures full licensing functionality.N/A
Health and Human ServicesSocial Services, Department ofCalFresh SharePoint (SP) Collaboration Site Enhancement – Employment & Training (E&T)1500000DelegatedThe California Department of Social Services (CDSS) proposes to enhance the existing CalFresh Employment and Training (E&T) Program functionality within the CDSS website and Microsoft Cloud Suite of products to allow for workforce services providers’ eligibility checks, provider plan submissions, data analysis, and reporting on outcomes from multiple providers.N/A
Health and Human ServicesSocial Services, Department ofState Verification Hub (Hub)LowThe State Verification Hub (Hub) will be a centralized system that
supports fast, accurate, and efficient verification processes required for
eligibility determinations for clients and program staff across CA Health
and Human Services Agency (CHHSA) Departments and programs. Initial
efforts will be focused on CalFresh, CalWORKs, and MediCal, but with a
system designed to integrate other programs (e.g., WIC) to conduct
verifications through this service hub in the future.
Health and Human ServicesSocial Services, Department ofHousing and Homelessness Data Reporting Solution (HHDRS)3832512MediumThe California Department of Social Services (CDSS) proposes a single data software solution that will collect and integrate client-level data for the five CDSS Housing and Homeless programs. This would replace the current process of collecting data manually on MS Excel spreadsheets for all five programs and allow both counties and CDSS to more readily assess program performance in regard to statutorily required data elements as well as streamline data collection processes with the ultimate goal of maximizing program impact.Green
Health and Human ServicesSocial Services, Department ofCare Provider Management System (CPMS)LowThe California Department of Social Services (CDSS), Community Care Licensing Division(CCLD) proposes to address the technical limitations of the current system, known as Guardian, and related manual processes, by implementing a new solution called the Care Provider Management System (CPMS). CPMS will allow CDSS to better align with California licensing law and practice, which requires customization beyond the current minimum viable product.N/A
Health and Human ServicesSocial Services, Department ofChildcare Connect (CC)MediumThe California Department of Social Services proposes to post on the department’s Internet Web site, for use by the general public, providers, and parents of eligible children an online portal for the state’s comprehensive child care and development services in order to meet federal and state child care consumer education requirements.N/A
Health and Human ServicesSocial Services, Department ofSUN Bucks Solution (SBS)MediumThe California Department of Social Services (CDSS) proposes to re-engineer the manual process used to establish SUN Bucks eligibility, to meet the federal requirement published in the Interim Final Rule (IFR). The SUN Bucks, formerly known as Summer-EBT (S-EBT), is a permanent federal program to provide food benefits to families with school-age children during summer breaks when they do not have access to school meals. SUN Bucks was first implemented in California in Summer 2024. The current manual process is labor-intensive, and this proposal will streamline the process, improve accuracy, efficiency, quality, and time management.N/A
Corrections and RehabilitationCorrections and Rehabilitation, Department ofRehabilitative Classroom Technology (RCT)79015384DelegatedCDCR proposes to create an academic cloud network with associated hardware to extend opportunities to provide rehabilitative academic programming to an increased number of the incarcerated student population. CDCR will deploy 37,300 Thin Client laptops to expand rehabilitative programming. This cloud network will serve as the foundational portal for a Learning Management System (LMS) to allow an integrated learning experience for the incarcerated student. The technical network capacity and infrastructure will be upgraded to sustain the increased traffic through the network and to help manage the user environment.N/A
Corrections and RehabilitationCorrections and Rehabilitation, Department ofBIS Migration to S4 HANA (BIS-2-S4)68289406HighThe California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), an augmentation to the General Fund of $8.1 million in 2023-24, $9.0 million in 2024-25 and $7.5 million in 2025-26 to move CDCR’s current Enterprise Resource Platform system (ERP),SAP/Business Information System (BIS) to SAP’s new ERP system/platform offering called S4 HANA. The requested funding includes all the normal phases required during a system migration: Blueprinting, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Training, Cutover Processes and Post Go Live Support.Green
Corrections and RehabilitationCalifornia Correctional Health Care ServicesCalAIM-Medi-Cal Reimbursement System (MCRS)17803105HighThe California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS), Information Technology Services Division (ITSD) currently maintains the information technology infrastructure and medical grade network that enables our clinical staff to provide continuity of care to the justice-involved residents. Assembly Bill (AB) 133 requests federal authority to implement the California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM), a framework that encompasses broad-based delivery systems, and payment reform across the statewide Medi-Cal program. Currently, CCHCS does not have a billing/notification claim system and proposes to develop a new billing/notification system to receive federal reimbursement for CalAIM services and medications to comply with AB 133. As a result, a new Medi-Cal billing claim system is needed to be developed and integrated with multiple state, county, and third-party entities no sooner than April 1, 2024, with a 24-month implementation window to be compliant with AB 133. It is estimated that the state will receive federal reimbursements of $10.8 million annually.Green
Corrections and RehabilitationState and Community Corrections, Board ofSTC Learning Management SystemDelegatedTBDN/A
Corrections and RehabilitationState and Community Corrections, Board ofIn-Death Custody Review Database Development and Maintenance (SB 519)1143541DelegatedThe BSCC has begun the creation of a new division, named In-Death Custody Review, under mandate by CA SB 519. In accordance with the legislation, this project will aim to create a system that collects, stores, and reports data collected from various external entities. This system will have to be properly secured in order to protect any sensitive information as well as be able to remove sensitive information when generating reports.N/A
EducationDepartment of Education - HeadquartersCalifornia State Preschool Data Collection System (CAPSDAC) ProjectLowThe Early Education Act requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to administer all California state preschool programs, including, but not limited to, part-day and full-day age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate programs for 3- and 4-year-old children. Education Code (EC) Sections 48000(c)−(I) authorize a school district or charter school to maintain a transitional kindergarten program, defined as the first year of a 2-year kindergarten program that uses a modified kindergarten curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate. The law also requires a school district or charter school, as a condition of receipt of apportionment for pupils in a transitional kindergarten program, to admit children who meet certain age requirements, as provided.Assembly Bill (AB) 22 requires the California Department of Education (CDE), by July 1, 2024, to collect pupil data for each pupil enrolled in a California state preschool program operated by a local educational agency (LEA), including all applicable data elements that are collected for pupils in transitional kindergarten, as provided. The bill also requires the department, by July 1, 2024, to collect the same data for educators in a California state preschool program operated by a local educational agency that is collected for educators in the K–12 classroom setting, as provided.Currently, the CDE does not have the ability to effectively manage, monitor and report preschool information that would meet the objectives of this legislation. This is due primarily to the lack of unique identifiers for the principal data elements of the California State Preschool Program (CSPP), such as preschool children, teachers, families, classrooms, sites, and providers. The objective of the CAPSDAC project is to identify a solution that will enable the CDE to collect, organize, track, monitor, analyze, and aggregate the CSPP data and conduct business operations electronically and effectively to implement current and future statutory mandates. The application of unique identifiers will allow the CDE to link preschool data to the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS), California’s K−12 data system. This will enable CDE to provide early education data to the California Cradle-to-Career (C2C) Data System. The CAPSDAC will serve as a useful tool for contract agencies to identify needs and guide program improvement. The CAPSDAC will provide relevant and accurate data to inform education community partners and the public.N/A
EducationDepartment of Education - HeadquartersPrincipal Apportionment Replacement System (PARS) ProjectDelegatedThe existing Principal Apportionment Application has not been revised since its original design in 2002. The application has not been able to efficiently serve CDE’s needs as the application language used to build the system is no longer supported by Microsoft and cannot support complex changes to the K-12 funding due to shifts in funding sources and new legislation. The objective of this project is to migrate the application software to a coding language common to other systems within the department to better facilitate required application changes.N/A
EducationLibrary, California StateDigital Asset Management System UpgradeDelegatedThe California State Library proposes to upgrade its Digital Asset Management System to the latest version of its current system in order to improve capacity, reduce future costs, and provide information to Californians in a streamlined way.N/A
EducationTeacher Credentialing, Commission onAssignment Monitoring Automation Project (AMAP)DelegatedThe California Commission on Teacher Credentialing proposes to automate the existing assignment monitoring process for all California school districts.N/A
Labor and Workforce DevelopmentEmployment Development DepartmentEDDNext: Integrated Claims Management System / Integrated Data Management (ICMS/IDM)834615032HighThe Employment Development Department (EDD) proposes to modernize the EDD’s benefit systems (Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Paid Family Leave) by implementing a single, integrated benefit system that provides customers a consistent, single portal into EDD’s services, and that lowers the cost to maintain via more agile and responsive solution for deployment of enhancements. The CDT and the EDDNext team have jointly determined that the EDDNext modernization BCP contains three non-delegated IT projects: - EDDNext Project (data platform, UI/DI legacy system replacement, OCR solution, et al.) aka as the “core EDDNext Project” - The Shared Portal Enhancement Project (considered to be a “non-core” EDDNext effort). - The Employer Portal Update Project (considered to be a “non-core” EDDNext effort). The EDDNext Project is required to go through all four stages of project approval lifecycle planning with the CDT. The Shared Customer Portal Enhancement is a delegated project.The Employer Portal Update is a candidate for delegation back to the EDD following receipt of corresponding S1BA’s and PDR submissions.Yellow
Labor and Workforce DevelopmentEmployment Development DepartmentCUIAB Board Meeting Live Video Streaming13244570DelegatedThe Employment Development Department, California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (CUIAB) proposes to provide its stakeholders, parties to appeals, constituents, and the public in general with access to live streaming video of Board meetings in progress, and to recorded videos of past Board meetings, in order to provide greater transparency in government through virtual access to the meetings. This will remove any barriers to transparency created by the constraint of otherwise having to attend the Board meetings in person in Sacramento, in order to observe Board proceedings.N/A
Labor and Workforce DevelopmentEmployment Development DepartmentAutomated Current Employment Statistics (AutoCES)13244570DelegatedThe Employment Development Department Labor Market Information Division proposes to replace the existing AutoCES system that produces data tables and reports for the Current Employment Statistics and Local Area Unemployment Statistics programs for publication and dissemination.N/A
Labor and Workforce DevelopmentEmployment Development DepartmentCalifornia Job Opening Browse System Modernization (CalJOBS)65271332MediumThe Employment Development Department (EDD) Workforce Services Branch (WSB), a department within the Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), proposes to modernize CalJOBS to make the system more user-friendly for all stakeholders, more customizable to the department’s needs, and include robust reporting features to meet the needs of system users. The modernization effort will enable the system to better facilitate the administration and reporting requirements for state and federal programs.N/A
Labor and Workforce DevelopmentEmployment Development DepartmentShared Customer Portal Project (SCP Project)222453219MediumThis proposal targets improvements to the Shared Customer Portal (aka Benefit Programs Online or BPO), modernizing the Employment Development Department’s (EDD) existing BPO portal to provide customers with a secure, and customer centric experience to access UI, DI, and overpayment services.Yellow
Labor and Workforce DevelopmentEmployment Development DepartmentDocument Management System (DMS)106171267MediumThe EDD has analyzed a variety of existing software solutions used for its existing imaging, data capture, electronic file submissions, document storage, and retrieval services infrastructure. The proposed vendor solutions must provide the capability to develop processes that are streamlined, scalable, and flexible for variable workloads. The solution features should support the deployment of new configurable, scalable, and robust software for imaging paper and electronic submissions as well as efficiently process defined business workflows. The DMS project will provide foundational capabilities necessary to support EDD modernization and GovOps Strike team recommendations.Yellow
Labor and Workforce DevelopmentEmployment Development DepartmentSenate Bill (SB) 951: State Disability Insurance: Contribution Rates: Weekly Benefit Amount11281846DelegatedThe Employment Development Department (EDD) will extend the State Disability Insurance (SDI) programs’ current 60 and 70 percent wage replacement rates until December 31, 2024. Effective January 1, 2025, the EDD will make the changes necessary to implement the new weekly benefit amounts for the Disability (DI) and Paid Family Leve (PFL) programs indefinitely to either 70 percent or 90 percent depending on an individual’s earnings.N/A
Labor and Workforce DevelopmentIndustrial Relations, Department ofPAGA Online Notice Filing13244570DelegatedThe Department of Industrial Relations proposes to implement an online services for private citizens to file civil law suits and pursue fines for their grievances as required under the Labor Code (Labor Code 2699 - 2699.5).N/A
Labor and Workforce DevelopmentIndustrial Relations, Department ofDivision of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) Refresh ProjectDelegatedThe Department of Industrial Relations proposes to enhance the existing California Apprenticeship System (CAS) to provide additional functionalities and improve existing functionalities which support the Division of Apprenticeship Standards business processes.N/A
Labor and Workforce DevelopmentIndustrial Relations, Department ofOD Legal Case ManagementDelegatedThe Department of Industrial Relations proposes to implement a single case management solution for all Office of the Directors Legal Unit (OD) Legal Practice Areas in order to increase efficiency and improve data availability for management oversight.N/A
Labor and Workforce DevelopmentIndustrial Relations, Department ofEAMS Modernization (EAMS)145278103HighThe Department of Industrial Relations (DIR), Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC), seeks to modernize its current case management system, EAMS (Electronic Adjudication Management System), by targeting innovative technology solutions that will bring value to the organization’s court case adjudication management and claims benefit administration functions, by providing increased system capabilities and streamlined functionality, high adaptability, improved accessibility, and cost effective maintenance and operations.Green
Labor and Workforce DevelopmentIndustrial Relations, Department ofLabor Enforcement Task Force Project (LETF Project)40292475MediumPursuant to Assembly Bill 175 (Chapter 255, 2021), the sum of $30,000,000 was appropriated from the Labor and Workforce Development Fund for support of The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) for strategic enforcement focused on construction, alteration, and repair projects, subject to the provisions of Section 1785 of the Labor Code. $10,000,000would be allocated to DIR OIS in an effort to upgrade the current Public Works data systems and create a technical capability for analytics using this data.Yellow
Government OperationsHuman Resources, Department ofService and Seniority System (SASS)DelegatedThe California Department of Human Resources proposes to provide a web-based solution for the service and seniority process that would make it easier and faster for departments to submit requests and reduce the use of paper.N/A
Government OperationsHuman Resources, Department ofCalHR Website Replacement985886DelegatedAll Microsoft Sharepoint on-premise servers will reach end-of-support in July 2026. CalHR utilizes SharePoint 2016 for critical websites, intranet sites and other web services. This will position the department in a high risk situation, threatening reliable, secure, and functional web services to the public, employees, state departments and agencies, and trusted partners. The purpose of this project is to research, plan, and implement replacement content management systems (CMS) for all active CalHR web services which are hosted on SharePoint 2016. CalHR will use California’s Department of Technology (CDT) CAWeb Publishing Services to host and maintain CalHR’s agency website. As of February 2024, 72 agencies use CAWeb Publishing Services and CalHR is an ideal candidate due to the smaller page size and lower complexity of website content. CAWeb Publishing Services uses the *WordPress Platform – the number 1 web content management system (WCMS) in the world, and CalHR will work with CAWeb to set up, implement, and host CalHR’s external website. Other advantages of using CAWeb Publishing Services include adoption of current State website template, increased Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance, content governance, and increased site stability.N/A
Government OperationsHuman Resources, Department ofCalHR HRISLowThe HRIS project will provide CalHR an opportunity to consolidate and standardize many human
resource (HR) activities by automating disjointed and manual system processes into a single
HRIS. An HRIS will reduce data redundancies and errors, significantly improve customer
response times, and reduce the risk of non-compliance while accurately reporting statuses and
Government OperationsHuman Resources, Department ofSharePoint Migration (SPM)LowAs of July 2026, all Microsoft SharePoint on-premises servers, including SharePoint 2016, will reach end-of-support. The California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) currently relies on SharePoint 2016 to host critical websites, intranet sites, and various web services. Continuing with SharePoint 2016 beyond its end-of-support date poses significant risks to the reliability, security, and functionality of these essential services for the public, employees, state departments and agencies, and trusted partners.
The primary objective of this project is to mitigate these risks by remedying the situation through the migration and modernization of CalHR's web infrastructure. Specifically, the project aims to relocate or rebuild several extranet applications currently on SharePoint 2016, while also transitioning CalHR's departmental intranet from SharePoint 2016 to SharePoint Online.
Government OperationsTechnology, Department ofProject Planning and Lifecycle Automation Project (PPLA)DelegatedThe California Department of Technology proposes to automate the Project Approval Lifecycle and implement a statewide project and portfolio management system.N/A
Government OperationsTechnology, Department ofWebsite RedesignDelegatedThe California Department of Technology proposes to redesign the department's website architecture to better engage stakeholders, customers, and the public to enhance user experience that includes accessibility and functionality.N/A
Government OperationsTechnology, Department ofCal-Secure Risk Management Project (Cal Secure)MediumFor California state government information security programs to successfully improve against a backdrop of ever increasing and sophisticated threats, we must be able to effectively manage security risks and measure maturity across the enterprise and within each state entity. Doing so requires automation of reporting, security compliance, program and policy management, asset management, incident management, oversight, audits, assessment tracking and reporting.N/A
Government OperationsTechnology, Department ofCalTABS ModernizationMediumCDT proposes to replace their 20 year old custom home grown CalTABS application with COTS billing products that integrates the data center usage data with SaaS/COTS billing application powered with digital capabilities, improved workflows, BI reporting capabilities, excellent user experience, enhanced security, business continuity, disaster recovery protection, ease of maintenance and better production support mechanism. CalTABS ( cost recovery system for data center services usage across state departments and other agencies. $330 M (approx.) USD is billed annually via this system. It collects resource (service) usage data, assigns service codes to each resource and generates customer billing.N/A
Government OperationsTax and Fee Administration, California Department ofData Analytics and Tax Return Processing Solutions (DATRPS)3872141MediumProvide CDTFA with new data sources, data analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to better analyze and evaluate tax return data. Data sources, new and existing, will be used to determine trends and detect anomalies in tax reporting. This effort will result in actions to proactively educate taxpayers, increase compliance, and generate better audit leads and outcomes. Data analytics and AI results will be integrated into CDTFA systems such as CROS for further action.N/A
Government OperationsFranchise Tax BoardEnterprise Data to Revenue 2 (EDR2)766091572MediumThe Franchise Tax Board proposes to implement Phase 2 of their Tax Systems Modernization Plan. Phase 2 transitions Audit, Filing Enforcement, and Underpayment to the Enterprise Data, Case Management and Modeling platform.Green
Government OperationsFranchise Tax BoardLAN Infrastructure Refresh ProjectDelegatedThe Franchise Tax Board proposes to refresh the existing Local Area Networks (LANs) infrastructure equipment due to end of life and end of support.N/A
Government OperationsFranchise Tax BoardUBA SolutionDelegatedThe Franchise Tax Board (FTB) proposes to procure and implement a security intelligence tool known as User Behavior Analytics (UBA) to detect and prevent targeted attacks, financial fraud, theft, and misuse of FTB information systems and the confidential information they contain. The FTB is initiating this project in order to protect California taxpayers and revenue, FTB's reputation, and the people working at or visiting our campus and offices.N/A
Government OperationsFranchise Tax BoardMainframe Enterprise Tape Library Refresh (MF-ETL)DelegatedThe Franchise Tax Board (FTB) proposes to replace and upgrade the existing Mainframe Enterprise Tape Library in order to meet FTB’s current and future tape library storage needs.N/A
Government OperationsFranchise Tax BoardMainframe Workload Growth FY 19/20DelegatedThe Franchise Tax Board proposes to replace the enterprise server (mainframe), increase memory, and increase disk (DASD) storage space to meet workload growth projections and strategically plan for future capacity needs.N/A
Government OperationsFranchise Tax BoardVRC System Modernization Project15668424DelegatedThe Franchise Tax Board (FTB) (Vehicle Registration Collection program) proposes to modernize its outdated Delinquent Vehicle Registration collection system with a solution that provides increased system capacity, case management functions, reporting services, self-service options, and an architecture that aligns with FTB’s tax modernization efforts.N/A
Government OperationsFranchise Tax BoardeTime Project15648133DelegatedThe Franchise Tax Board proposes to modernize the current work activity tracking and timekeeping system, as it no longer meets the business needs nor the security requirements of the department.N/A
Government OperationsFranchise Tax BoardPolitical Reform Audit (PRA) ProjectDelegatedThe California Franchise Tax Board proposes to develop an Internal case management system that will improve the Political Reform Audit (PRA) program workflow and processes so the audits can progress more quickly, with improved accountability, more timely production reports for workload management, and more efficient quality review processes.With a PRA audit case management system, every action, message, response and document generated during the complex audit process becomes part of the managed audit case. Customer service is improved by having information, records, and data easily accessible and effectively viewed, searched, routed, secured, stored and purged timely.N/A
Government OperationsFranchise Tax BoardSystem Access and Service Management Software Modernization (SASMSM)13630889DelegatedThe Franchise Tax Board (FTB) proposes new enterprise class tools that will enable FTB to rapidly develop scalable solutions in support of emerging business needs; comply with security policy, standards, and best practices; and improve operational insight for an increasingly complex array of critical state Information Technology (IT) solutions we provide. FTB will also replace legacy and custom-coded tools, simplify our portfolio, streamline operational processes through standardization, and reduce departmental security risk.N/A
Government OperationsFranchise Tax BoardMainframe Workload Growth 2026/27 (MFWG 26/27)LowThe Franchise Tax Board (FTB) proposes to replace the enterprise mainframe server, and
increase processing capacity and memory to meet workload growth projections and strategically
plan for future capacity needs. In addition, FTB proposes to refresh its off-site capacity backup
(CBU) mainframe to ensure the department’s ability to recover critical applications and services in
the event the central campus server is down because of an unexpected outage.
Government OperationsFranchise Tax BoardFraud, Analysis & Detection Solution Revise (FADSR)MediumThe Franchise Tax Board (FTB) proposes to improve fraud detection capability. The solution will be
designed to minimize the risk of the loss of general fund revenue to the state resulting from the
issuance of erroneous tax refunds.
FTB strives to serve taxpayers by continually improving the quality of products and services and
performing in a manner which secures the highest degree of taxpayer confidence with integrity,
efficiency, and fairness.
This effort will help safeguard FTB’s ability to protect its taxpayers and secure the state's general
fund from refund fraud, which in turn funds services important to all Californians.
Government OperationsGeneral Services, Department ofeTracker Modernization (eTM)6383755DelegatedDivision of the State Architect (DSA), proposes to re-write their 20 year old core application, e-Tracker/WebTracker to align with updates to business processes, rectify missing key functionality, ensure data integrity for accurate reporting and improve communication to clients through improvements to the invoicing system, automatic payments, improved workflow management and project oversight functionality.N/A
Government OperationsGeneral Services, Department ofStatewide Property Inventory Modernization (SPI Modernization)3808270DelegatedDepartment of General Services (DGS), Real Estate Services Division (RESD), Asset Management Branch (AMB) proposes to streamline the current State Property Inventory process in order to modernize the electronic collection, update and reporting of data to improve services to the public and create efficiencies to program operations in its custodial responsibility of the state’s property inventory pursuant to Chapter 907/1986, Government Code Section 11011.N/A
Government OperationsGeneral Services, Department ofProcurement Division Statewide eMarketplace (eMarketplace)14715755DelegatedThe Department of General Services (DGS) Procurement Division (PD) proposes to deploy a State of California hosted online eCommerce marketplace (eMarketplace) that fully integrates with the FI$Cal PeopleSoft eProcurement modules and utilizes PeopleSoft’s advanced functionality on a broader scale. The goal is to transform the statewide procurement PeopleSoft user experience by enhancing state buyers’ ability to find and order directly from approved supplier online catalogs through the FI$Cal PeopleSoft application in a more “Amazon” like shopping environment.N/A
Government OperationsGeneral Services, Department ofHuman Resources and Project Billing Replacement (HR- LPR)6822880DelegatedReplacement of the outdated legacy Human Resource platform, which is no longer cost-effective to support and is at risk to due inability to hire staff with appropriate skillsets to maintain. This project will enable DGS to decommission the existing custom-developed timekeeping and project billing application (PAL) and Human Resources Management application (ABMS) enabling the automation of HR processes and creation of an electronic Official Personnel File (OPF).N/A
Government OperationsGeneral Services, Department ofOAH New Case Management System (OAHCMS)LowThe Department of General Services (DGS), Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) is
seeking to identify and procure appropriate case management software and equipment, to
replace our current, outdated case management system (CMS) no longer fully supported
by the vendor. The CMS is an essential component of OAH’s operations by maintaining all
case information, including events, documents, tasks, entities, emails, notes, time & billing
records. The new CMS will provide an increased level of information security.
General GovernmentPeace Officer Standards and Training, Commission onSenate Bill 2 - Case Management System (SB 2 - CMS)8532290DelegatedTo comply with a legislative mandate enacted 9/30/2021 in Senate Bill 2: “Peace officers: certification: civil rights”, POST proposes to implement a newSLP-listedMark43 off-the-shelf Case Management System to collect, store, route,and investigate complaints of law enforcement officer misconduct. Mandated data collection will be used to analyze and ultimately reduce instances of officer misconduct by enabling decertification and termination of officers in California.Mandated annual reports to the legislature and general public will also be extracted from the proposed system.N/A
General GovernmentFood and Agriculture, Department ofEmerging Threats 2 (ET2)71961402HighThe California Department of Food and Agriculture, Animal Health and Food Safety Services (AHFSS) Division, is proposing to replace their existing Emerging Threats system to correct and eliminate multiple deficiencies that have arisen over the maintenance and operations life cycle of the system and to provide an enterprise-wide solution for all programs within the AHFSS Division.N/A
General GovernmentFood and Agriculture, Department ofCDFA Licensing and Payment Portal (LPP)MediumCDFA is proposing to create a Licensing and Payment Portal to provide 1) the public and businesses information on all CDFA issued licenses, permits, registrations, and certifications (“Licenses”), in a centralized internet accessible location and 2) create a technology solution framework where the public and businesses can apply and pay for CDFA issued “Licenses” through a single sign-on online solution and 3) implement ~40 low risk low integration complexity “Licenses” within the framework.N/A
General GovernmentFood and Agriculture, Department ofGlassy-Wing Sharpshooter Trapping Application (GWSS)MediumCDFA is looking to replace the existing Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter (GWSS) Finder mobile trapping application and associated GWSS Trapping administrative application utilized by the Pierce’s Disease Control Program (PDCP) for areawide trapping/data collection of the GWSS with applications on a unified platform. The GWSS applications lack the ability to incorporate crop layer and other critical data collected necessary for the rapid response to GWSS detections throughout California.N/A
General GovernmentFair Political Practices CommissionEnforcement Database Application Modernization (EDAM)DelegatedThe Fair Political Practices Commission proposes to replace their 16-year old Enforcement Database Application with a cloud-based case management solution that integrates a web-based complaint form, workflows, enhanced security, business continuity, and disaster recovery protection.N/A
General GovernmentFair Political Practices CommissionFPPC CMS Replacement Project1150458DelegatedThe California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) seeks to redesign and reengineer the Commission’s Public Web Site (PWS) by analyzing the existing web site content, designing new information architecture, add new features and functionalities, comply with ADA requirements and meeting Section 508 and W3C Priority 1 and 2 standards using a practical and flexible content management system, and replace the outdated technical infrastructure with a new cloud-based website Content Management System (CMS) application. The FPPC intends to contract with a vendor to provide project management, technical services, and implementation of the CMS application.N/A
General GovernmentPublic Utilities CommissionRenewable Portfolio Standard Database Expansion (RPSD)4173779MediumThe California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) proposes to enhance the capabilities of the CPUC's existing Renewables Portfolio Standard Database.Green
General GovernmentPublic Utilities CommissionRail Inspection and Corrective Action Plan System (RICAPS)MediumDevelop an online application, that is accessible by both CPUC and regulated Rail Transit Agency (RTA) staff, that tracks inspection reports and Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) for carrying out safety oversight activities of the Rail Transit Safety Branch.N/A
General GovernmentPublic Utilities CommissionBEAD Grants Management System (BGMS)7507205DelegatedThe California Public Utilities Commission, Communications Divisions, proposes to configure a Commercial Off the Shelf grants management system which meets the National Telecommunication and Information Administration’s (NTIA’s) guidelines to automate and streamline the Broadband Equity and Deployment (BEAD) grant application and payment processes for programs, applicants, and the public at large. This will allow the agency to comply with state and federal statutory and reporting requirements, and for staff to track and analyze the application progress. The proposed system will allow the division to allocate funding before it reverts to the National Telecommunications and Information Agency.N/A
General GovernmentPublic Utilities CommissionCommunications Data Portal (CDP)MediumThe California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC or Commission) would like to implement a Communications Data Portal (CDP) to support the State’s rapidly changing communications grid and associated regulatory requirements for service quality, network resiliency, and emergency preparedness.
With a CDP, the CPUC will be able to 1) provide near real-time outage and restoral reporting to Commissioners and the Administration, 2) correlate network resiliency failures with carrier compliance to service quality rules and 3) expedite the time to identify violations and issue citations.
Environmental ProtectionWater Resources Control Board, StateUpdating Water Rights Data for California (UPWARD)62399917HighThe proposed UPWARD project will collect water rights reporting information, calculate fees associated with various water right types and processes, exchange data with internal and external data systems, maintain digital records of data currently contained on paper, and include functionality to support staff review of reported information.

The proposed project will include two major workstreams:
• Updating the core water rights data management system;
• Building in digitized paper records to the geospatial product so that the electronic water rights files are accessible to anyone, anywhere.
Health and Human ServicesManaged Health Care, Department ofAB 457 Plan Adequacy and Network Adequacy Systems Revision (AB 457)1508430DelegatedDMHC proposes to revise its legacy Timely Access and Annual Network Reporting portal in order to allow filing and analysis of four new telehealth-focused provider network reports (herein referred to as “data sets”) as mandated by Assembly Bill 457. DMHC further proposes to update its existing network adequacy and business intelligence systems to support research and investigation of telehealth practices in order to satisfy the bill’s requirement to promulgate reporting rules and incorporate telehealth into network adequacy standards.N/A

N/A – data not currently available.