April 5, 2021 – Cast your vote now for California’s technology leaders. Two CDT technology champions—Amy Tong and Vitaliy Panych— were nominated, along with three other California tech leaders and one state project, for the 2021 StateScoop 50 Awards. Each year, this national event honors the best and the brightest who make state government more efficient and effective. California has five leaders and one project nominated, so please scroll through the nominations and vote for your CDT colleagues and the rest of the best representing California.
Golden Gov Award
The visionary state executive leads the state government into a new technology landscape.
Nominee: State CIO Amy Tong
Thanks to State CIO Amy Tong’s decisive leadership, California had tools to combat the simultaneous crises brought on by a global pandemic and devastating statewide wildfires. With the launch of 21 dashboards and 18 websites to visualize COVID-19 data, the state took quick, strategic action to save lives. Under her guidance, CDT completed 75 emergency procurements to support statewide pandemic response and, in one month, moved 80% of eligible state workers to telework. Amy’s drive to modernize state technology continues to deliver better services to all Californians.
State Cybersecurity Leader of the Year
The state leader who demonstrates a passion and focus on keeping systems secure.
Nominee: State CISO Vitaliy Panych
California CISO Vitaliy Panych is responsible for the security of the largest collection of digital information assets in the country, which is experiencing more than 200 million malicious probes daily. In response, he works tirelessly to continuously monitor over 140 departments and onboards most of those departments to monitor their own internal networks. His efforts will help expand the California Cybersecurity Integration Center’s capabilities to assist more local government agencies throughout California. For security compliance, Vitaliy is shifting the state from point-in-time reviews to the continuous, real-time scanning of agencies’ networks to reduce exposure time to potential threats after detecting vulnerabilities.
Visit the 2021 StateScoop 50 Awards website, where you can vote daily until April 16. Scroll down to find the award categories. Nominees are listed alphabetically.