Do I have to submit a Stage 2 Alternatives Analysis if my project is non-reportable and have an approved Stage 1 Business Analysis?
No, for proposals anticipated to be non-reportable and have an approved Stage 1 Business Analysis, the approval authority is delegated to the Agency/state entity’s Secretary or Director per State Administrative Manual (SAM) sections 4819.35 and 4819.36. Agencies/state entities undertaking non-reportable projects are still expected to internally employ appropriate project review, approval, and reporting procedures as specified in SAM. If at any stage in the PAL a proposal was initially anticipated to be non-reportable, factors change and it now meets any of the reportability criteria (per SAM 4819.37), the Agency/state entity is required to resubmit a Stage 1 Business Analysis with all sections completed and a Stage 2 Alternatives Analysis with the appropriate level of content completed to the Department of Technology for review and approval.