Governor’s Executive Orders are policy directives to state agencies, issued by the Governor of the State of California. The following represents Executive Orders that include Information Technology directives.
You may view the complete text of any of these Executive Orders at the Governor’s Web site. If you have questions about any of the Executive Orders, please contact the agency noted in the Executive Order.
- N-12-23 Generative Artificial Intelligence (Issued 09/06/2023) – The Governor’s Executive Order requires a report examining the beneficial use cases and potential risks for deployment of GenAI tools by the State. It also includes developing risk analysis, procurement guidelines, sandboxes, and workforce training.
- N-04-19 Innovation Procurement Sprint (Issued 01/08/2019) – The Governor’s Executive Order requires state agencies to develop a new iterative procurement approach (Innovation Procurement Sprint).
- B-34-15 California Cybersecurity Integration Center (Issued 08/31/2015) – The Governor’s Executive Order requires the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services to establish and lead the California Cybersecurity Integration Center. It also requires all state departments and agencies to ensure compliance with existing information security and privacy policies and to promote awareness of information security standards with their workforce.
- S-03-10 Information Technology (IT) Expenditure Reporting and IT Officers (Issued 02/09/2010) – The Governor’s Executive Order requires state agencies to report to the Office of the State Chief Information annually, beginning in 2010, a summary of actual and projected information technology and telecommunications costs, including personnel. It also describes the requirements and duties for Agency Chief Information Officers, Chief Information Officers, and Agency Information Security Officers and that these officers are subject to the approval of the State CIO.
- S-06-09 Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Digital Literacy (issued 05/28/2009) – The Governor’s Executive Order establishes a California ICT Digital Leadership Council, Advisory Committee, and sets the Action Plan for each. It also directs the California Workforce Investment Board to develop a technology literacy component to its strategic plan.
- S-06-07 Healthcare Improvement (issued 03/14/07) — The Governor’s Executive Order moves forward California’s efforts to adopt health information technology, increase transparency of quality and pricing information, and increase accountability in public and private health care delivery systems.
- S-21-06 Expanding Broadband Access and Usage in California (issued 10/27/2006) — The Governor’s Executive Order announces an effort to ensure all government agencies are using the best technologies to serve the people and the creation of a broadband task force that lets experts from government and business work together to identify and eliminate obstacles to making broadband internet access ubiquitous in the state.
- S-12-06 eHealth Action Forum (issued 07/24/2006) — The Governor’s Executive Order announces the California eHealth Action Forum, to participate in the development of a state policy agenda for health information technology.
- S-04-06 Emergency Preparedness (issued 04/18/2006) — The Governor’s Executive Order announces emergency preparedness activities including the need for state and local agencies to prepare Continuity of Operations/Continuity of Government (COOP/COG) plans.
- S-16-04 Peer-to-Peer (issued 09/16/2004) — The Governor’s Executive Order provides instructions regarding the use of peer-to-peer file-sharing programs on state computers.
- S-13-04 Data Center Consolidation and Information Technology Realignment (issued 08/24/2004) — The Governor’s Executive Order provides instructions to consolidate the Stephen P. Teale Data Center (TDC) and the Health and Human Services Agency Data Center under the direction of the State Chief Information Officer and the Director of the TDC.
- S-5-04 California Performance Review (issued 02/10/2004) — The Governor’s Executive Order creates the Review which will examine multiple areas including Statewide Information Technology.
- D-59-02 Information Technology Oversight (issued 07/01/2002) — The Governor’s Executive Order informs state agencies of their roles and responsibilities regarding information technology project and procurement oversight.
- D-57-02 Information Technology Management Initiative (issued 05/31/2002) — The Governor’s Executive Order specifies the Interim Director of the Department of Information Technology shall undertake an information technology management initiative to assess how best to reorganize the procurement, management and operation of California’s information technology systems, and develop a proposal for the procurement, management and operation of the State’s information technology systems.
- D-55-02 Banning No-Bid State Contracts (issued 05/20/2002) — The Governor’s Executive Order specifies that no state contract or procurement greater than $100,000, including those bid under CMAS, any Statewide Master Service Agreement, and the Cal-Store Master Service Agreement (CalStore), shall be executed unless awarded pursuant to a competitively bid process. Further, any state contract or procurement must comply with interim guidelines that Department of General Services will adopt.
- D-17-00 e-Government (issued 09/09/2000) — The Governor’s Office shall work with the State and private sectors to assure that state agencies and department implement electronic technologies that will allow the people of California to receive government services and interact with State government, including a statewide Internet portal that offers a single, convenient access point for state government information and services.
- D-10-99 Software Licensing (issued 10/16/1999) — Each agency, department, board, commission and office of the executive branch shall work diligently to prevent and combat computer software piracy in order to give effect to copyrights associated with computer software by observing the relevant provisions of both Federal and State law, including the Federal Copyright Act.