CDT provides Google Analytics and Google Custom Search to other CA state agencies. Google Analytics is a web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic. Google Custom Search enables you to create a search engine for your website.
- Both services are free
- Centrally managed by CDT
- Meets State Web Standards (SAM 5190.1)
- Integrated document (PDF) tracking for analytics
- Never lose access to your analytics data
- Larger analytics volumes available
Google Analytics
- Setup and configure Google Analytics (GA) account
- Provide the customer with GA code
- Provide the customer with admin credentials if requested
- Setup and configure admin custom dashboards, views, and filters upon request
Google Search
- Setup and configure Google Custom Search Engine (CSE)
- Provide the customer with admin credentials if requested
Google Search
Role CDT Customer
Setup and configure CSE. X
Provide customers with admin credentials if requested. X
Add CSE ID number to their website code/template. X
Verify Site ownership via Google Search Console. X
Submit XML sitemap via Google Search Console. X
Setup and manage their own Google account. X
Research and troubleshoot any search results issues. X
Training. X
Google Analytics
Role CDT Customer
Setup and configure Google Analytics (GA) account X
Provide Customers with GA code X
Provide Customers with admin credentials if requested X
Setup and configure admin custom dashboards, views, and filters upon request X
Add GA code number to their website code/template X
Setup and manage analytics reports X
Research and implement any extra desired knowledge or features beyond simple page views X
Setup and manage their own Google account X
Training X
Is there a cost for Google Analytics or Google Search?
- No. Both services are free to all California state agencies.
There are no fees associated with this service.
Submit all requests through the Google Search and Analytics Case/Request.