Google Search and Analytics


CDT provides Google Analytics and Google Custom Search to other CA state agencies. Google Analytics is a web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic. Google Custom Search enables you to create a search engine for your website.

Google logo


  • Both services are free
  • Centrally managed by CDT
  • Meets State Web Standards (SAM 5190.1)


  • Integrated document (PDF) tracking for analytics
  • Never lose access to your analytics data
  • Larger analytics volumes available

Google Analytics

  • Setup and configure Google Analytics (GA) account
  • Provide the customer with GA code
  • Provide the customer with admin credentials if requested
  • Setup and configure admin custom dashboards, views, and filters upon request

Google Search

  • Setup and configure Google Custom Search Engine (CSE)
  • Provide the customer with admin credentials if requested

Google Search

Setup and configure CSE.X
Provide customers with admin credentials if requested.X
Add CSE ID number to their website code/template.X
Verify Site ownership via Google Search Console.X
Submit XML sitemap via Google Search Console.X
Setup and manage their own Google account.X
Research and troubleshoot any search results issues.X

Google Analytics

Setup and configure Google Analytics (GA) accountX
Provide Customers with GA codeX
Provide Customers with admin credentials if requestedX
Setup and configure admin custom dashboards, views, and filters upon requestX
Add GA code number to their website code/templateX
Setup and manage analytics reportsX
Research and implement any extra desired knowledge or features beyond simple page viewsX
Setup and manage their own Google accountX

Is there a cost for Google Analytics or Google Search?

  • No. Both services are free to all California state agencies.

There are no fees associated with this service.

Submit all requests through the Google Search and Analytics Case/Request.