Master Rates Table

The California Department of Technology (CDT) is an economical total solution provider of information technology. Customers are charged for resources required to process their jobs using uniformly established rates that are reviewed regularly to ensure that costs are equitable. In addition, we are able to take advantage of economies of scale and pass these savings to Customers. The rate schedule represents standard CDT services. If a Customer requires technology solutions that are not part of the standard, CDT will review the Customer’s request and provide customized pricing as necessary. Consulting services will be billed to the specific service code providing the consulting. Please contact CDT Rates and Cost Recovery at (916) 431-3617 or for older versions of rate schedules.

Customer Memo

Fiscal Year 2024-25 Rate Package (PDF)

Fiscal Year 2024-25 Rates Table

Use the below buttons to filter, copy, and export the Master Rates Table in various formats.

Service DescriptionService IdentifierProduct NameUnit of MeasurementRateService CodeNotes
CPU Batch ProcessingNormalized to IBM CPU 2064-116zSystem ProcessingPer Hour$573.00C101
CPU Time Sharing Option (TSO)Normalized to IBM CPU 2064-116zSystem ProcessingPer Hour$573.00C102
CPU Started Task (STC)Normalized to IBM CPU 2064-116zSystem ProcessingPer Hour$573.00C103
CPU Open Edition/Multiple Virtual System - Unix System Services (OE/MVS)Normalized to IBM CPU 2064-116zSystem ProcessingPer Hour$573.00C104
CPU Customer Information Control System Transaction Server (CICS)Normalized to IBM CPU 2064-116zSystem ProcessingPer Hour$573.00C105
CPU Adaptable DAta BAse System (ADABAS)Normalized to IBM CPU 2064-116zSystem ProcessingPer Hour$573.00C106
CPU DB2Normalized to IBM CPU 2064-116zSystem ProcessingPer Hour$573.00C108
CPU System z Integrated Information Processor (zIIP)Normalized to IBM CPU 2064-116zSystem ProcessingPer Hour$174.00C112
Enterprise Linux Base Server - PremiumEnterprise Linux Server-PremiumEnterprise Linux Application HostingMonthly/Per Server$569.00C305
Enterprise Linux vCPU - PremiumEnterprise Linux Server-PremiumEnterprise Linux Application HostingvCPU/Month$1,139.00C306
Enterprise Linux Memory - PremiumEnterprise Linux Server-PremiumEnterprise Linux Application HostingMonthly/Per GB$57.00C307
Enterprise Linux Server Set-up FeeEnterprise Linux Server-PremiumEnterprise Linux Application HostingOne-Time/Per Server$416.00C308
Enterprise Linux Base Server - StandardEnterprise Linux Server-StandardEnterprise Linux Application HostingMonthly/Per Server$380.00C309
Enterprise Linux vCPU - StandardEnterprise Linux Server-StandardEnterprise Linux Application HostingvCPU/Month$380.00C310
Enterprise Linux Memory - StandardEnterprise Linux Server-StandardEnterprise Linux Application HostingMonthly/Per GB$38.00C311
IBM HACMP Software License and MaintenanceAIX - Optional Add-onsAIXPer LicensePass-through + 2.79% CDT Processing FeeD101 - AIXPass-through + 2.79% CDT Processing Fee
ISAM and DataPower HardwareSoftware License and MaintenanceApplication ServicesVariablePass-through + 2.79% CDT Processing FeeD101 - App ServicesPlus the CDT Processing Fee of 2.79%
Database LicenseDatabase LicenseDedicated ExpensesPer LicensePass-through + 2.79% CDT Processing FeeD101 - Database LicensePlus the CDT Processing Fee of 2.79%
CDT Processing Fee on Pass-through ProductsPass-through FeeDedicated Expenses% of Direct Pass-Through Costs - Per Purchase OrderPass-through + 2.79% CDT Processing FeeD101 - Pass-ThroughPlus the CDT Processing Fee of 2.79%
Database LicenseTier 1-Database SupportDatabase SupportPer LicensePass-through + 2.79% CDT Processing FeeD101 - Tier 1 DatabasePlus the CDT Processing Fee of 2.79%
CDT Processing Fee on Pass-through ProductsTier 2-Database SupportDatabase SupportVariablePass-through + 2.79% CDT Processing FeeD101 - Tier 2 DatabasePlus the CDT Processing Fee of 2.71%Plus the CDT Processing Fee of 2.79%
Dedicated Charges Network MiscDedicated Charges Network MiscDedicated ExpensesVariablePass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeD106
Dedicated ChargesDirect ChargePass-through + 2.79% CDT Processing FeeD107
SAS PC LicenseSAS PC LicenseDedicated ExpensesPer License/Annual$858.00D108
SAS PC License w/Oracle InterfaceSAS PC License w/Oracle InterfaceDedicated ExpensesPer License/Annual$951.00D109
Training ClassTrainingVariableDirect Charge + 22% CDT Cost Distribution for Training Classes (Z903)D110
Independent Security AssessmentTrainingVariablePass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeD118
E-Learning Basic PackageTrainingPer License$85 +3.5% CDT Cost Distribution fee (Z901)D131
E-Learning Premiere PackageTrainingPer License$254 +3.5% CDT Cost Distribution fee (Z901)D132
E-Learning Leadership Courses & VideosTrainingPer License$55 +3.5% CDT Cost Distribution fee (Z901)D133
E-Learning WHPTrainingPer License$21 +3.5% CDT Cost Distribution fee (Z901)D134
E-Learning VDTrainingPer License$66 + 3.5% CDT Cost Distribution fee (Z901)D135
KauaiTrainingRoom/Day$656 +CDT Cost Distribution fee (Z901)D201
OahuTrainingRoom/Day$656 +CDT Cost Distribution fee (Z901)D202
KonaTrainingRoom/Day$604 +CDT Cost Distribution fee (Z901)D203
HiloTrainingRoom/Day$604 +CDT Cost Distribution fee (Z901)D204
HawaiiTrainingRoom/Day$1,260 +CDT Cost Distribution fee (Z901)D205
MauiTrainingRoom/Day$473 +CDT Cost Distribution fee (Z901)D206
SMTP RelayE-Mail Relay ServicesMonthly/Per IP Address$32.21E108
Basic Tenant Managed Services Cabinet Rancho CordovaTenant Managed ServicesMonthly/Per Cabinet$1,504.00F114
Basic Tenant Managed Services Cabinet VacavilleTenant Managed ServicesMonthly/Per Cabinet$2,090.00F115
Power Exceeding 3.5 kW (Basic Cabinet)Tenant Managed ServicesMonthly/Per Whip$103.00F116
Premium Tenant Managed Services Cabinet Rancho CordovaTenant Managed ServicesMonthly/Per Cabinet$1,504.00F301
Tenant Managed Services Managed LANTenant Managed ServicesMonthly/Per Cabinet$2,034.00F302
Tenant Managed Services SAN FabricTenant Managed ServicesMonthly/Per Cabinet$747.00F303
Power Exceeding 3.5 kW (Premium Cabinet)Tenant Managed ServicesMonthly/Per Whip$103.00F305
Tenant Managed Services Additional 10 GIG ConnectionTenant Managed ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$214.00F312
CDT SASE ConsultingNetwork ConsultingConsultingPer Hour$235.00G163Level 1 (Senior Telecommunication Engineer, Information Technology Manager II)
Consulting Level 1 (Senior Telecommunication Engineer, Information Technology Manager II)Level 1ConsultingPer Hour$235.00G1xx
CDT SASE ConsultingNetwork ConsultingConsultingPer Hour$208.00G263Level 2 (Information Technology Manager I, Associate Telecommunication Engineer, Information Technology Specialist III)
Consulting Level 2 (Information Technology Manager I, Associate Telecommunication Engineer, Information Technology Specialist III)Level 2ConsultingPer Hour$208.00G2xx
CDT SASE ConsultingNetwork ConsultingConsultingPer Hour$191.00G363Level 3 (Information Technology Supervisor II, Information Technology Specialist II)
Consulting Level 3 (Information Technology Supervisor II, Information Technology Specialist II)Level 3ConsultingPer Hour$191.00G3xx
CDT SASE ConsultingNetwork ConsultingConsultingPer Hour$174.00G463Level 4 (Information Technology Supervisor I, Information Technology Specialist I)
Consulting Level 4 (Information Technology Supervisor I, Information Technology Specialist I)Level 4ConsultingPer Hour$174.00G4xx
CDT SASE ConsultingNetwork ConsultingConsultingPer Hour$129.00G563Level 5 (Information Technology Associate, Information Technology Technician)
Consulting Level 5 (Information Technology Associate, Information Technology Technician)Level 5ConsultingPer Hour$129.00G5xx
Telecommunications Procurement ConsultingConsultingPer Hour$218.00G7xx - Consulting
IT Procurement ConsultingConsultingPer Hour$218.00G7xx - IT Procurement
IT Project Approval Lifecycle (PAL)Project Approvals and OversightPer Hour$218.00H203
IT Project OversightProject Approvals and OversightPer Hour$218.00H204
Project Manager (IT) Quarter EngagementProject Approvals and OversightPer Project Manager/ Per Month$6,170.00H205
Project Manager (IT) Half EngagementProject Approvals and OversightPer Project Manager/ Per Month$12,340.00H206
Project Manager (IT) Three-Quarter EngagementProject Approvals and OversightPer Project Manager/ Per Month$18,509.00H207
Project Manager (IT) Full EngagementProject Approvals and OversightPer Project Manager/ Per Month$24,679.00H208
CAPMO ConsultingCA PMOPer Hour$218.00H305
Project Manager (IT) Quarter EngagementCA PMOPer Project Manager/Per Month$6,170.00H306
Project Manager (IT) Half EngagementCA PMOPer Project Manager/Per Month$12,340.00H307
Project Manager (IT) Three-Quarter EngagementCA PMOPer Project Manager/Per Month$18,509.00H308
Project Manager (IT) Full EngagementCA PMOPer Project Manager/Per Month$24,679.00H309
GeocodingGeographic Information System (GIS)Monthly/Per Subscription$1,260.00H401
Map ServicesGeographic Information System (GIS)Monthly/Per Subscription$1,260.00H402
GIS Application HostingGeographic Information System (GIS)Monthly/Per Application$1,260.00H403
GIS Web Application Installation/Set-upGeographic Information System (GIS)One-Time/Per Web Application$525.00H404
Contract Amendment - Total contract value under $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract1.31% for Total contract value under $100MH501
Contract Management/Administration - Total contract value under $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract1.31% for Total contract value under $100MH502
Competitive – Formal - Total contract value under $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract1.31% for Total contract value under $100MH503
Competitive – Informal - Total contract value under $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract1.31% for Total contract value under $100MH504
Exemption Request - Total contract value under $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract1.31% for Total contract value under $100MH505
Leveraged Procurement Agreement (LPA) - Total contract value under $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract1.31% for Total contract value under $100MH506
Limited to Brand (LTB) - Total contract value under $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract1.31% for Total contract value under $100MH507
Master Agreement - Total contract value under $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract1.31% for Total contract value under $100MH508
Non-Competitive Bid (NCB) - Total contract value under $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract1.31% for Total contract value under $100MH509
One Time Purchasing Request - Total contract value under $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract1.31% for Total contract value under $100MH510
Proprietary Maintenance Acquisition - Total contract value under $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract1.31% for Total contract value under $100MH511
Proprietary Software Acquisition - Total contract value under $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract1.31% for Total contract value under $100MH512
Small Business (SB)/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (SB/DVE) - Total contract value under $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract1.31% for Total contract value under $100MH513
Software Licensing Program - Total contract value under $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract1.31% for Total contract value under $100MH514
Contract Amendment - Total contract value over $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract0.75% for Total contract value over $100MH521
Contract Management/Administration - Total contract value over $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract0.75% for Total contract value over $100MH522
Competitive – Formal - Total contract value over $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract0.75% for Total contract value over $100MH523
Competitive – Informal - Total contract value over $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract0.75% for Total contract value over $100MH524
Exemption Request - Total contract value over $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract0.75% for Total contract value over $100MH525
Leveraged Procurement Agreement (LPA) - Total contract value over $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract0.75% for Total contract value over $100MH526
Limited to Brand (LTB) - Total contract value over $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract0.75% for Total contract value over $100MH527
Master Agreement - Total contract value over $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract0.75% for Total contract value over $100MH528
Non-Competitive Bid (NCB) - Total contract value over $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract0.75% for Total contract value over $100MH529
One Time Purchasing Request - Total contract value over $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract0.75% for Total contract value over $100MH530
Proprietary Maintenance Acquisition - Total contract value over $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract0.75% for Total contract value over $100MH531
Proprietary Software Acquisition - Total contract value over $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract0.75% for Total contract value over $100MH532
Small Business (SB)/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (SB/DVE) - Total contract value over $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract0.75% for Total contract value over $100MH533
Software Licensing Program - Total contract value over $100MStatewide Technology ProcurementPer Contract0.75% for Total contract value over $100MH534
Web AnalyticsShared Internet HostingReport$98.86I114
Secure File Transfer/SAFE One-Time SetupSAFEOne-Time$137.00I115
Secure Automated File Exchange Service (includes 10GB data transfer)SAFEMonthly/Per Named User Account$12.90I116
Secure Automated File Exchange Additional Data TransferSAFEPer Gigabyte$11.00I117
Secure Automated File Exchange - Axway Secure Client SoftwareSAFEOne-Time$315.00I118
Web Set-up FeeWeb ServicesOne-Time/Web Instance$600.00I119
Assigned Internet Host-CAT1-NHDedicated Internet Hosting ServiceWeb Server$2,123.00I120
Dedicated Web SupportWeb ServicesMonthly/Per Server$834.00I124
Tier 1 Shared Web Server includes: 1 domain name registration, 1 FTP UserID, Up to 20 MB storage, Up to 200 MB data transmissionTier 1 Shared Web HostingShared Web HostingMonthly/Per Instance$156.00I201
Tier 2 Shared Web Server includes: 1 domain name registration, 1 FTP UserID, 250 MB storage, 10 GB data transmissionTier 2 Shared Web HostingShared Web HostingMonthly/Per Instance$401.00I202
StorageTier 2 Shared Web Hosting - Optional Add- OnsShared Web HostingMonthly/Per 75 MB$25.00I203
Data TransferTier 2 Shared Web Hosting - Optional Add-OnsShared Web HostingMonthly/Per GB$27.00I204
Domain Name Registration (Per Registration)Tier 2 Shared Web Hosting - Optional Add-OnsShared Web HostingOne-Time/Registration$21.00I205
FTP UserIDTier 2 Shared Web Hosting - Optional Add-OnsShared Web HostingMonthly/Per UserID$10.00I206
ListServ E-mail DistributionWeb ServicesMonthly/Per List$156.00I209
Shared Web SQL HostingShared Internet HostingDB Instance
Shared Web Hosting Set-up FeeTier 1 Shared Web HostingShared Web HostingOne-Time/Setup$1,040.00I211-Tier 1
Shared Web Hosting Set-upTier 2 Shared Web HostingShared Web HostingOne-Time/Setup$1,040.00I211-Tier 2
FTP UserID Set-upTier 2 Shared Web Hosting - Optional Add-OnsShared Web HostingOne-Time/Per ID$21.00I212
Web Publishing Base Rate (includes: unlimited concurrent users, 1 website, 5GB Data Storage and 20GB Data Transfer)CAWeb PublishingCAWeb PublishingMonthly/Per Site$2,266.00I401
Site AssessmentCAWeb PublishingCAWeb PublishingOne-Time/Per Site$1,092.00I402
Site Implementation (includes site creation and content import from existing site)CAWeb PublishingCAWeb PublishingOne-Time/Per Site$1,092.00I403
User Experience ConsultingUser ExperienceDigital ServicesPer Hour$194.00I410
Learning Management System (LMS) - CornerstoneCornerstoneLearning Management System (LMS)Vendor Cost + 4.81%**See Link CornerstoneK203-LMSA 4.81% VHSS Fee will be added
Learning Management System (LMS) - Blackboard LMSBlackboardLearning Management System (LMS)Vendor Cost + 4.81%**See Link Blackboard LMSK204-LMSA 4.81% VHSS Fee will be added
Unified Global Address List (GAL) AdministrationOffice ProductivityPer User/Month$0.40K413
MS Statewide M365 GCC E5 -5 YEAROffice ProductivityVariableVendor Cost +2.79% CDT Processing FeeK4502.79% CDT Processing Fee will be added.
Microsoft Implementation Services Consultant Level 1Office ProductivityPer Hour$150.00K4512.79% CDT Processing Fee will be added.
Microsoft Implementation Services Consultant Level 2Office ProductivityPer Hour$225.00K4512.79% CDT Processing Fee will be added.
Microsoft Implementation Services Consultant Level 3Office ProductivityPer Hour$300.00K4512.79% CDT Processing Fee will be added.
Microsoft Implementation Services Consultant Level 4Office ProductivityPer Hour$375.00K4512.79% CDT Processing Fee will be added.
Microsoft Implementation Services Consultant Level 5Office ProductivityPer Hour$450.00K4512.79% CDT Processing Fee will be added.
Microsoft Implementation Services Consultant Level 6Office ProductivityPer Hour$494.00K4512.79% CDT Processing Fee will be added.
M365 5YR VisioOffice ProductivitySubscriptionVendor Cost +2.79% CDT Processing FeeK4522.79% CDT Processing Fee will be added.
M365 5YR ProjectOffice ProductivitySubscriptionVendor Cost +2.79% CDT Processing FeeK4532.79% CDT Processing Fee will be added.
MS O365 Products -3 Year EAOffice ProductivityVariableVendor Cost + 4.81% VHSS FeeK460A 4.81% VHSS Fee will be added. (The CDT Processing Fee has a maximum cap of $250,000 per PO, per year, not including the DGS fees.)
STaaS Tier IResponse Time <=5ms for Read/WriteStorage as a Service (STaaS) - On PremisesMonthly/Per GB$0.3528K605
STaaS Tier IIResponse Time of <=25ms for Read/Write.Storage as a Service (STaaS) - On PremisesMonthly/Per GB$0.2352K606
STaaS Tier IIIResponse Time of <100ms for Read/Write.Storage as a Service (STaaS) - On PremisesMonthly/Per GB$0.1176K607
STaaS Tier IVResponse Time of <4000ms for Read/Write.Storage as a Service (STaaS) - On PremisesMonthly/Per GB$0.0823K608
STaaS/Foreign Cable Install - TMS BasicStorage as a Service (STaaS) - On PremisesOne-Time/Per Install$368.00K617
STaaS/Foreign Cable Install - TMS PremiumStorage as a Service (STaaS) - On PremisesOne-Time/Per Install$368.00K618
Off Premises Cloud ServicesOFF-PREMISES CLOUD SERVICESVariableVendor Cost + 4.81% VHSS FeeK701A 4.81% VHSS fee will added.
Azure Off Premise Cloud ServicesOFF-PREMISES CLOUD SERVICESVariableVendor Cost + 4.81% VHSS FeeK702A 4.81% VHSS fee will added.
Amazon AWS Off Premise Cloud ServicesAWS Off PremiseAWS Cloud ServicesVariableVendor Cost + 4.81% VHSS FeeK703A 4.81% VHSS fee will added.
OCRBot Accessibility AssistanceOCRBotOCRBot1,000 pagesVendor Cost + 4.81% VHSS FeeK704
AWS Enterprise SupportVariableVendor Cost + 4.81% VHSS FeeK706A 4.81% VHSS fee will added.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)VariableVendor Cost + 4.81% VHSS FeeK720A 4.81% VHSS fee will added.
Google Cloud Platform (GCPVariableVendor Cost + 4.81% VHSS FeeK721A 4.81% VHSS fee will added.
ORock HighCloudVariableVendor Cost + 4.81% VHSS FeeK722A 4.81% VHSS fee will added.
CAMC Pass-ThroughCA Managed CloudCA Managed CloudVariableVendor Cost +16% FeeL501
CAMC Windows IaaS SupportCA Managed CloudCA Managed CloudPer IaaS VM Instance, Per Month$700.00L502
CAMC Linux IaaS SupportCA Managed CloudCA Managed CloudPer IaaS VM Instance, Per Month$700.00L503
Data ProtectionCA Managed CloudCA Managed CloudPer GB, Per Month$0.19L504
CAMC AWS Enterprise SupportCA Managed CloudCA Managed CloudVariableVendor Cost +16% FeeL505
UCS VM Includes 2 CPU 4GB RAMUnmanaged Cloud ServicesVirtual Machine (VM)$950.00L601
Additional CPUUnmanaged Cloud ServicesCPU$181.00L602
Additional RAMUnmanaged Cloud ServicesGB$58.00L603
Tier 1 Base WINTEL Server includes: Windows Standard Server, 2 CPUs, 16 GB Memory, 60GB Local StorageTier 1 Wintel Server - StandardMidrange Servers - WintelMonthly/Per Server$4,041.00M101
Tier 2 Base WINTEL Server includes: Windows Standard Server, 4 CPUs, 16 GB Memory, 60GB Local StorageTier 2 Wintel Server - Standard (Sunsetted July 1, 2012)Midrange Servers - WintelMonthly/Per Server$3,732.00M102
Windows Enterprise EditionTier 1 Wintel Optional Add-OnsMidrange Servers - WintelMonthly/Per License$78.00M105 - Tier 1
Windows Enterprise Edition*Virtual Server (High Availability) Optional Add-OnsVirtual Server - WintelMonthly/Per License$78.00M105 -Virtual*Required with more than 4GB Memory and a 32 bit OS
Windows OS Set-up FeeTier 1 Wintel Server - StandardMidrange Servers - WintelOne-Time/Per Server$759.00M108 - Tier 1
Windows OS Set-up FeeTier 2 Wintel Server - Standard (Sunsetted July 1, 2012)Midrange Servers - WintelOne-Time/Per Server$759.00M108 - Tier 2
Additional RAM, First 16GBTier 1 Wintel Optional Add-OnsMidrange Servers - WintelMonthly/Per 16 GB$14.03M113
Additional RAM, per 32GBTier 1 Wintel Optional Add-OnsMidrange Servers - WintelMonthly/Per 32 GB$28.00M114
Server Monitoring ToolTier 1 Wintel Optional Add-OnsMidrange Servers - WintelMonthly/Per Customer$248.00M120
Windows Virtual OS Set-up FeeVirtual Server (High Availability) - StandardVirtual Server - WintelOne-Time/Per OS$380.00M202
Windows Virtual Server (High Availability) 1 Core, 1GB Memory, No storageVirtual Server (High Availability) - StandardVirtual Server - WintelMonthly/Per Server$990.00M204
Additional Cores (Up to 12 cores total)Virtual Server (High Availability) Optional Add-OnsVirtual Server - WintelMonthly/Per Core$124.00M205
Additional MemoryVirtual Server (High Availability) Optional Add-OnsVirtual Server - WintelMonthly/Per GB$83.00M206
Linux Virtual Server (1 vCPU and 2GB vRAM)Virtual Server - LinuxMonthly/Per Server$1,175.00M209
Additional vCPUVirtual Server - LinuxMonthly/Per vCPU$171.00M210
Additional vRAMVirtual Server - LinuxMonthly/Per GB$55.00M211
Linux Virtual OS Set-up FeeVirtual Server - LinuxOne-Time/Per OS$253.00M212
Shared SQL Server Database - (Up to 1GB Database capacity)Shared SQL Server DatabasesMonthly/Per Database$643.00M301
Shared SQL Server Database Set-up FeeShared SQL Server DatabasesOne-Time/Per Database$296.00M304
AIX LPAR; Does not include Memory or CPUAIXMonthly/Per LPAR$2,023.00M501
CPU CoreAIX Add-OnsAIXMonthly/Per Core$818.00M505
MemoryAIX Add-OnsAIXMonthly/Per GB$43.00M506
Virtual AIX ServerAIXMonthly/Per Virtual Server$1,403.00M507
AIX Set-up FeeAIXOne-Time/Per Server$396.00M512
IBM HACMP SupportAIX-Optional Add-OnsAIXMonthly/Per Cluster$560.00M513
IBM HACMP Set-up FeeAIX-Optional Add-OnsAIXOne-Time/Setup$2,239.00M514
IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) SupportPremium SupportApplication ServicesMonthly/Per Server$2,152.00M601
IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) SupportBasic SupportApplication ServicesMonthly/Per Server$1,269.00M602
IBM Security Access Manager Support (ISAM)SupportApplication ServicesMonthly/Per Appliance$1,837.00M603
IBM DataPower SupportSupportApplication ServicesMonthly/Per Appliance$1,492.00M604
IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager SupportSupportApplication ServicesMonthly/Per Server$2,152.00M605
Oracle WebLogic Application SupportPremium SupportApplication ServicesMonthly/Per Server$2,152.00M606
Oracle WebLogic Application SupportBasic SupportApplication ServicesMonthly/Per Server$1,269.00M607
IBM HTTP Server (IHS) Support for WASWAS SupportApplication ServicesMonthly/Per Server$834.00M610
Application Security Server SupportApplication ServicesPer Application/Month$615.00M611
IBM WebSphere MQ SupportApplication ServicesMonthly/Per Server$307.00M612
IBM Tivoli Access Manager WebSEAL Server SupportApplication ServicesMonthly/Per Server$1,230.00M613
IBM Tivoli Access Manager Policy Server SupportApplication ServicesMonthly/Per Server$1,230.00M614
IBM Tivoli Access Manager Authorization Server SupportApplication ServicesMonthly/Per Server$1,230.00M616
Tier 1 Database Support (SQL Server and MySQL)Tier 1-Database SupportDatabase SupportMonthly/Per Instance$1,542.00M620
Database Instance Installation Set-up Fee for Database Support - Tier 1 (SQL Server and MySQL)Tier 1-Database SupportDatabase SupportOne-Time/Per Instance$1,002.00M621
Tier 2 Database Support (Oracle)Tier 2-Database SupportDatabase SupportMonthly/Per Instance$1,570.00M622
Database Instance Installation Set-up Fee for Database Support - Tier 2 (Oracle, Informix*, Sybase*, and Cache*)Tier 2-Database SupportDatabase SupportOne-Time/Per Instance$930.00M623*Software is in containment & unavailable for new systems, upgrades or migrations of existing systems.
IBM Tivoli Directory Server Support (LDAP)Application ServicesMonthly/Per Server$1,414.00M624
DB2 Database SupportTier 2-Database SupportDatabase SupportMonthly/Per DB Instance$1,680.00M627
Enterprise Linux - IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) SupportPremium SupportApplication ServicesMonthly/Per Server$1,006.00M628
Enterprise Linux - IBM HTTP Server (IHS) Support for WASApplication ServicesMonthly/Per Server$520.00M629
Enterprise Linux - IBM WebSphere MQ SupportApplication ServicesMonthly/Per Server$192.00M630
Enterprise Linux - DB2 Database SupportTier 2-Database SupportDatabase SupportMonthly/Per DB Instance$1,024.00M631
Enterprise Linux - DB2 Database Instance InstallationTier 2-Database SupportDatabase SupportOne-Time/Per Instance$725.00M632
DB2 Database Instance Set-up Fee for Database Support - Tier 2Tier 2-Database SupportDatabase SupportOne-Time/Per Instance$1,900.00M635
MS SQL Enterprise License Pack w/Software Assurance (Pack covers 2 cores, 4 core minimum required per server)Tier 1-Database SupportDatabase SupportMonthly/Per Pack$653.00M636
MS SQL Standard License Pack w/Software Assurance (Pack covers 2 cores, 4 core minimum required per server)Tier 1-Database SupportDatabase SupportMonthly/Per Pack$170.00M637
MS SQL Enterprise Software Assurance (Covers 2 cores, 4 core minimum required per server)Tier 1-Database SupportDatabase SupportMonthly/Per Pack$318.00M638
MS SQL Standard Software Assurance (Covers 2 cores, 4 core minimum required per server)Tier 1-Database SupportDatabase SupportMonthly/Per Pack$83.00M639
Secure ID Token One-Time CostVirtual Desktop InterfaceToken131M713
Citrix StorageCitrixMonthly/Per MB$0.0082M714
Secure ID Physical Token (Monthly Payment Option)CitrixMonthly/Per Token$6.17M715
Secure ID Software-based Token (Monthly Payment Option)CitrixMonthly/Per Token$3.37M716
Base Application BundleCitirxMonthly/Per User$34.95M717
Non-Standard Product Year 1Non-standard Hardware/SoftwarePer Instance, Per Month20% ChargeM801
Non-Standard Product Year 2Non-standard Hardware/SoftwarePer Instance, Per Month35% ChargeM802
Non-Standard Product Year 3Non-standard Hardware/SoftwarePer Instance, Per Month50% ChargeM803
Cloud Provider Interconnect 50 MbpsCloud Provider Interconnect ServicesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$479.00N110
Cloud Provider Interconnect 100 MbpsCloud Provider Interconnect ServicesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$540.00N111
Cloud Provider Interconnect 200 MbpsCloud Provider Interconnect ServicesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$663.00N112
Cloud Provider Interconnect 500 MbpsCloud Provider Interconnect ServicesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$908.00N113
Cloud Provider Interconnect 1000 MbpsCloud Provider Interconnect ServicesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,399.00N114
Cloud Provider Interconnect 2000 MbpsCloud Provider Interconnect ServicesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$2,074.00N115
Cloud Provider Interconnect 5000 MbpsCloud Provider Interconnect ServicesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,056.00N116
Cloud Provider Interconnect over 5000 MbpsCloud Provider Interconnect ServicesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$4,160.00N117
Cloud Provider Dedicated Direct Connect up to 1000 MbpsCloud Provider Interconnect ServicesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,608.00N118
Cloud Provider Dedicated Direct Connect over 1000 MbpsCloud Provider Interconnect ServicesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$6,246.00N119
Individual Remote Access VPNConnectivity - MiscellaneousNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per User$14.00N209Please note that the Remote Access VPN service requires that customers have an Internet Service Provider
AAMVANET Remote Access Dial InNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesVariablePass-throughN601
AAMVANET Remote Access Toll-Free Dial InNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesVariablePass-throughN602
Inside Wire Move w/o EquipmentInside Wire/ReloNetwork ServicesOne Time/Per Connection$100.00N603
Shared Firewall - ExtranetNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per DMZ$321.00N606
TMS/Foreign Cable InstallNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per Install$368.00N607
Site to Site VPN Set-upConnectivity - MiscellaneousNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per Install$758.00N608
Data Center to Data Center Connectivity Set-upConnectivity - MiscellaneousNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per Install$1,365.00N609
Reverse ProxyNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Instance$291.00N610
Server Load BalancingNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Server$291.00N611
Equipment InstallNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per Install$1,575.00N615
Remote Access VPN New Group Set-upConnectivity - MiscellaneousNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per Install$758.00N616
Enhanced Server Application Delivery - SSLNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesVirtual IP Address$437.00N617
Enhanced Server Application Delivery - ASMNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesVirtual IP Address$437.00N618
CGEN Connection Bandwidth Change - Foreign/TMS-BNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per Change$368.00N619
CGEN Connection Bandwidth Change - Fiber Ring ServiceNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per Change$368.00N620
IE CHARACTERS - PRIMENetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesPer Thousand$0.0710N621
IE Characters - Non-PrimeNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesPer Thousand$0.0360N622
IE Messages - PrimeNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesEach$0.30N623
IE Messages - Non-PrimeNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesEach$0.1520N624
IE Archive StorageNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesMillion/Day$0.0114N625
Foreign/TMS Basic InstallNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesCSGNet Network/MAN Connectivity$1,575.00N629
Equipment Expedite FeeNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesOne-Time$541.00N640
Foreign/TMS Expedite FeeNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesOne-Time$541.00N641
Site to Site VPN Expedite FeeNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesOne-Time$541.00N642
Fiber Ring Service Expedite FeeNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesOne-Time$541.00N643
DC to DC Expedite FeeNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesOne-Time$541.00N644
56KB Foreign/TMS Basic ConnectivityForeign/Tenant Managed Services Basic ConnectivityNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$129.00N732
T1 Foreign/TMS Basic ConnectivityForeign/Tenant Managed Services Basic ConnectivityNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$215.00N733
DS3 Foreign/TMS Basic ConnectivityForeign/Tenant Managed Services Basic ConnectivityNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$344.00N734
10 Mbps Foreign/TMS Basic ConnectivityForeign/Tenant Managed Services Basic ConnectivityNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$474.00N735
100 Mbps Foreign/TMS Basic ConnectivityForeign/Tenant Managed Services Basic ConnectivityNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,205.00N736
Switch - Small ConnectivitySwitch Tier RatesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$131.00N743
Switch - Medium ConnectivitySwitch Tier RatesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$219.00N744
Switch - Large ConnectivitySwitch Tier RatesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$555.00N745
Miscellaneous EquipRouter Tier RatesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionVariableN746
1000 Mbps Foreign/TMS Basic ConnectivityForeign/Tenant Managed Services Basic ConnectivityNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$2,153.00N747
Site to Site VPN ConnectionConnectivity - MiscellaneousNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$233.00N750
100 Gbps DC-DC Fiber Connectivity - MiscellaneousNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,365.00N768
50 Mbps Foreign/TMS Basic ConnectivityForeign/Tenant Managed Services Basic ConnectivityNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$689.00N775
5G Foreign/TMS Basic ConnectivityForeign/Tenant Managed Services Basic ConnectivityNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,014.00N776
10G Foreign/TMS Basic ConnectivityForeign/Tenant Managed Services Basic ConnectivityNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$4,090.00N777
500 Mbps Foreign/TMS Basic ConnectivityForeign/Tenant Managed Services Basic ConnectivityNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,550.00N779
Firewall-WildfireDedicated FirewallNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Subscription$72.00N780
1 Gbps DC-DC Fiber ConnectionConnectivity - MiscellaneousNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,680.00N781
5 Gbps DC-DC Fiber ConnectionConnectivity - MiscellaneousNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$2,520.00N782
10 Gbps DC-DC Fiber ConnectionConnectivity - MiscellaneousNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,360.00N783
750 Mbps Foreign/TMS Basic ConnectivityForeign/Tenant Managed Services Basic ConnectivityNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,894.00N784
100 Mbps DC-DC Fiber ConnectionConnectivity - MiscellaneousNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,050.00N785
500 Mbps DC-DC Fiber ConnectionConnectivity - MiscellaneousNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,365.00N786
2GB DC-DC Fiber ConnectionConnectivity - MiscellaneousNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$2,100.00N787
Secure Access Service EdgeSecure Access Service EdgeNetwork ServicesMonthly/250 MB$293.00N788
FirewallDedicated FirewallNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Device$293.00N789
Router- Small 4 HourRouter Tier RatesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Device$130.00N790
Router -Small 2 HourRouter Tier RatesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Device$144.00N791
Router -Medium 4 HourRouter Tier RatesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Device$189.00N792
Router - Medium 2 HourRouter Tier RatesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Device$218.00N793
Router - Large 4 HourRouter Tier RatesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Device$374.00N794
Router - Large 2 HourRouter Tier RatesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Device$439.00N795
Metro Ethernet Switch - 1 GBSwitch Tier RatesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Device$426.00N796
Metro Ethernet Switch - 10 GBSwitch Tier RatesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Device$749.00N797
Firewall-Global Protect GatewayDedicated FirewallNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Subscription$72.00N798
Firewall-PANDB URL FilteringDedicated FirewallNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Subscription$72.00N799
Fiber Ring 10 Mbps ConnectivityOTech Fiber Ring (Also requires Fiber Ring Infrastructure)Network ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$898.00N801
Fiber Ring 100 Mbps ConnectivityOTech Fiber Ring (Also requires Fiber Ring Infrastructure)Network ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,449.00N802
Fiber Ring 200 Mbps ConnectivityOTech Fiber Ring (Also requires Fiber Ring Infrastructure)Network ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,685.00N803
Fiber Ring 300 Mbps ConnectivityOTech Fiber Ring (Also requires Fiber Ring Infrastructure)Network ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,922.00N804
Fiber Ring 500 Mbps ConnectivityOTech Fiber Ring (Also requires Fiber Ring Infrastructure)Network ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$2,273.00N805
Fiber Ring 1 Gbps ConnectivityOTech Fiber Ring (Also requires Fiber Ring Infrastructure)Network ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$2,672.00N806
Fiber Ring 5 Gbps ConnectivityOTech Fiber Ring (Also requires Fiber Ring Infrastructure)Network ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$4,048.00N807
Fiber Ring 10 Gbps ConnectivityOTech Fiber Ring (Also requires Fiber Ring Infrastructure)Network ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$5,623.00N808
Fiber Ring Infrastructure 10Mbps ConnectivityOTech Fiber RingNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$133.00N811(Also requires Fiber Ring Infrastructure)
Fiber Ring Infrastructure 100Mbps ConnectivityOTech Fiber RingNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$464.00N812(Also requires Fiber Ring Infrastructure)
Fiber Ring Infrastructure 200Mbps ConnectivityOTech Fiber RingNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$464.00N813(Also requires Fiber Ring Infrastructure)
Fiber Ring Infrastructure 300Mbps ConnectivityOTech Fiber RingNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$464.00N814(Also requires Fiber Ring Infrastructure)
Fiber Ring Infrastructure 500Mbps ConnectivityOTech Fiber RingNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$598.00N815(Also requires Fiber Ring Infrastructure)
Fiber Ring Infrastructure 1Gbps ConnectivityOTech Fiber RingNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$598.00N816(Also requires Fiber Ring Infrastructure)
Fiber Ring Infrastructure 5Gbps ConnectivityOTech Fiber RingNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$664.00N817(Also requires Fiber Ring Infrastructure)
Fiber Ring Infrastructure 10Gbps ConnectivityOTech Fiber RingNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$730.00N818
SCMS Disaster Recovery (Enterprise Linux and z/OS Mainframe)Disaster RecoveryPer Customer, Per Platform/Month$4,305.00R201
Open Systems Disaster Recovery One-Time Set-up FeeDisaster RecoveryPer System/One-Time$10,960.00R301
Open Systems Disaster Recovery System SupportDisaster RecoveryPer System/Month$2,510.00R302
Open Systems Disaster Recovery AIX LPARDisaster RecoveryPer LPAR/Month$640.00R303
Open Systems Disaster Recovery AIX CPU CoreDisaster RecoveryMonthly/Per Core$130.00R304
Open Systems Disaster Recovery AIX MemoryDisaster RecoveryMonthly/Per Gb$5.00R305
Open Systems Disaster Recovery E-Commerce SupportDisaster RecoveryPer Application/Month$109.00R307
Open Systems Disaster Recovery Database SupportDisaster RecoveryPer Instance/Month$1000.00R308
Basic Disaster Recovery Data StorageDisaster RecoveryMonthly/Per Gb$0.61R309
Disaster Recovery Secure File Transfer Set-up FeeDisaster RecoverySystem$9,379.00R310
Disaster Recovery Secure File Transfer ServiceDisaster RecoveryUser$1.47R311
Primary Disaster Recovery Data Storage ReplicationDisaster RecoveryMonthly/Per Gb$1.45R312
Secondary Disaster Recovery Data Storage ReplicationDisaster RecoveryMonthly/Per Gb$0.72R313
Open Systems DR System SupportDisaster RecoverySystem/Month$4,142.00R315
Disk Storage Shared (Z/OS Platform)Mainframe StorageMonthly/Per Gb$3.10S101
Dedicated Disk StoragezSystem StorageMonthly/Per Gb$3.10S102
Disk Storage - ADABASzSystem StorageMonthly/Per Gb$3.10S103
Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) Level 2 Data Storage TechniquezSystem StorageMonthly/Per Gb$1.89S107
Primary Data StorageOpen Systems StorageMonthly/Per Gb$1.45S208
Secondary Data StorageOpen Systems StorageMonthly/Per Gb$0.72S210
Virtual Tape StoragezSystem StorageMonthly/Per Gb$0.49S213
Open Systems Storage Data BackupsOpen Systems StorageMonthly/Per Gb$0.38S216
Customized Backup ScheduleOpen Systems StoragePer Request$235.00S217
Open Systems Data RestoresOpen Systems StorageHour$118.00S218
Windows Local StorageWindows ServerPer Gb$1.14S219
ETM/NetflowAdditional CGEN Telco Pass-ThroughNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT151
Switched Ethernet 10 Mbps Vendor CostOpt-E-Man Circuits - 10 Mb Opt-E-ManNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT154
OPT E MAN 100M/20 Mbps Vendor CostOpt-E-Man Circuits - 20 Mb Opt-E-ManNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT164
Switched Ethernet 20 Mbps Vendor CostSwitched Ethernet Circuits - 20 Mb Switched EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT166
Switched Ethernet 50 Mbps Vendor CostSwitched Ethernet Circuits - 50 Mb Switched EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT169
OPT E MAN 100M/100 Mbps Vendor CostOpt-E-Man Circuits - 100 Mb Opt-E-ManNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT170
Switched Ethernet 100 Mbps Vendor CostSwitched Ethernet Circuits - 100 Mb Switched EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT172
Switched Ethernet 500 Mbps Vendor CostSwitched Ethernet Circuits - 500 Mb Switched EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT184
Switched Ethernet 1 GIG Vendor CostSwitched Ethernet Circuits - 1 Gb Switched EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT192
Switched Ethernet 10 GIG Vendor CostSwitched Ethernet Circuits - 10 Gb Switched EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT193
Gold Car OptionAdditional CGEN Telco Pass-ThroughNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT198
Vendor Cost AdjustmentAdditional CGEN Telco Pass-ThroughNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per AdjustmentVariableT199
T-1 CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionT-1 Circuits - 1024 Kbps T-1Network ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$94.00T204 - 1024 Kb
T-1 CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionT-1 Circuits - 128 Kbps T-1Network ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$94.00T204 - 128 Kb
T-1 CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionT-1 Circuits - 1536 Kbps T-1Network ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$94.00T204 - 1536 Kb
T-1 CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionT-1 Circuits - 384 Kbps T-1Network ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$94.00T204 - 384 Kb
T-1 CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionT-1 Circuits - 512 Kbps T-1Network ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$94.00T204 - 512 Kb
T-1 CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionT-1 Circuits - 768 Kbps T-1Network ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$94.00T204 - 768 Kb
2 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 1 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$113.00T207 - 1Mb EtherUsing T207 for the 1 Mb infrastructure rate until new rate is developed.
2 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 2 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$113.00T207 - 2 Mb ASE
2 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 2 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$113.00T207 - 2 Mb Ether
5 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 3 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$272.00T210 - 3 Mb ether
5 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionBonded T-1 Circuits - 2 Bonded T-1s 3.072 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$272.00T210 - 3.072
5 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 4 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$272.00T210 - 4 Mb ASE
5 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 4 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$272.00T210 - 4 Mb Ether
5 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionBonded T-1 Circuits - 3 Bonded T-1s 4.608 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$272.00T210 - 4.608
5 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 5 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$272.00T210 - 5 Mb ASE
5 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionDS3 Circuits - MPLS DS3 Access 5 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$272.00T210 - 5 Mb DS3
5 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 5 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$272.00T210 - 5 Mb Ether
5 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionOpt-E-Man Circuits - 5 Mb Opt-E-ManNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$272.00T210 - 5 Mb Opte
10 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 10 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$530.00T213 - 10 Mb ASE
10 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionDS3 Circuits - MPLS DS3 Access 10 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$530.00T213 - 10 Mb DS3
10 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits -10 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$530.00T213 - 10 Mb Ether
10 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 6 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$530.00T213 - 6 Mb ether
10 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionBonded T-1 Circuits - 4 Bonded T-1s 6.144 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$530.00T213 - 6.144 Mb
10 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 7 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$530.00T213 - 7 Mb ether
10 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionBonded T-1 Circuits - 5 Bonded T-1s 7.680 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$530.00T213 - 7.680 Mb
10 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 8 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$530.00T213 - 8 Mb ASE
10 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits -8 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$530.00T213 - 8 Mb Ether
10 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits -9 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$530.00T213 - 9 Mb ether
10 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionBonded T-1 Circuits - 6 Bonded T-1s 9.216 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$530.00T213 - 9.216 Mb
20 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionBonded T-1 Circuits - 8 Bonded T-1s 12.352 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$832.00T216 - 12.352 Mb
20 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionDS3 Circuits - MPLS DS3 Access 15 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$832.00T216 - 15 Mb MPLS
20 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 20 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$832.00T216 - 20 Mb ASE
20 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionDS3 Circuits - MPLS DS3 Access 20 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$832.00T216 - 20 Mb DS3
20 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits -20 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$832.00T216 - 20 Mb ether
20 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionOpt-E-Man Circuits - 20 Mb Opt-E-ManNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$832.00T216 - 20 Mb Opte
50 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionDS3 Circuits - MPLS DS3 Access 25 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,514.00T219 - 25 Mb DS3
50 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionDS3 Circuits - MPLS DS3 Access 30 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,514.00T219 - 30 Mb DS3
50 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits -30 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,514.00T219 - 30 Mb Ether
50 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits -40 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,514.00T219 - 40 Mb Ether
50 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 50 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,514.00T219 - 50 Mb ASE
50 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits -50 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,514.00T219 - 50 Mb Ether
50 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionDS3 Circuits - MPLS DS3 Access 50 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,514.00T219 - DS3 50 Mb
50 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionDS3 Circuits - MPLS DS3 Access 50 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$1,514.00T219 - DS3 50 Mb
100 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 100 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$2,273.00T221 - 100 Mb ASE
100 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 100 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$2,273.00T221 - 100 Mb Ether
100 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionOpt-E-Man Circuits - 100 Mb Opt-E-ManNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$2,273.00T221 - 100 Mb Opte
100 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits -60 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$2,273.00T221 - 60 Mb Ether
100 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits -70 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$2,273.00T221 - 70 Mb Ether
100 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 80 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$2,273.00T221 - 80 Mb Ether
100 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 90 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$2,273.00T221 - 90 Mb Ether
500 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 150 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,030.00T224 - 150 Mb ASE
500 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 150 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,030.00T224 - 150 Mb Ether
500 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionOC Access Circuits - 155 Mb OC3 AccessNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,030.00T224 - 155 Mb OC3
500 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 200 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,030.00T224 - 200 Mb Ether
500 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 250 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,030.00T224 - 250 Mb ASE
500 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 250 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,030.00T224 - 250 Mb Ether
500 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 300 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,030.00T224 - 300 Mb Ether
500 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 400 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,030.00T224 - 400 Mb Ether
500 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 450 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,030.00T224 - 450 Mb Ether
500 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 500 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,030.00T224 - 500 Mb ASE
500 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 500 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,030.00T224 - 500 Mb Ether
500 MB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionSwitched Ethernet Circuits - 500 Mb Switched EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,030.00T224 - 500 Mb Switched Ether
1 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 1 Gb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,835.00T227 - 1 Gb ASE
1 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 1 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,835.00T227 - 1 Gb Ether
1 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 600 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,835.00T227 - 600 Mb ASE
1 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 600 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,835.00T227 - 600 Mb Ether
1 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionOC Access Circuits - 622 Mb OC12 AccessNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,835.00T227 - 622 Mb OC12
1 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 700 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,835.00T227 - 700 Mb Ether
1 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 800 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,835.00T227 - 800 Mb Ether
1 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 900 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$3,835.00T227 - 900 Mb Ether
5 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 2 Gb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$5,305.00T230 - 2 Gb ASE
5 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 2 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$5,305.00T230 - 2 Gb Ether
5 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 2.5 Gb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$5,305.00T230 - 2.5 Gb ASE
5 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionOC Access Circuits - 2.5 Gb OC48 AccessNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$5,305.00T230 - 2.5 Gb OC48
5 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 2.5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$5,305.00T230 - 2.5 Mb Ether
5 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 3 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$5,305.00T230 - 3 Gb Ether
5 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 3.5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$5,305.00T230 - 3.5 Gb Ether
5 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 4 Gb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$5,305.00T230 - 4 Gb ASE
5 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 4 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$5,305.00T230 - 4 Gb Ether
5 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 4.5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$5,305.00T230 - 4.5 Gb Ether
5 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 5 Gb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$5,305.00T230 - 5 Gb ASE
5 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$5,305.00T230 - 5 Gb Ether
10 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 10 Gb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$6,062.00T233 - 10 Gb ASE
10 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionOC Access Circuits - 10 Gb OC192 AccessNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$6,062.00T233 - 10 Gb OC192
10 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionSwitched Ethernet Circuits - 10 Gb Switched EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$6,062.00T233 - 10 Gb Switched Ether
10 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 5.5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$6,062.00T233 - 5.5 Gb Ether
10 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 6 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$6,062.00T233 - 6 Gb Ether
10 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 6.5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$6,062.00T233 - 6.5 Gb Ether
10 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 7 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$6,062.00T233 - 7 Gb Ether
10 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 7.5 Gb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$6,062.00T233 - 7.5 Gb ASE
10 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 7.5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$6,062.00T233 - 7.5 Gb Ether
10 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 8 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$6,062.00T233 - 8 Gb Ether
10 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 8.5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$6,062.00T233 - 8.5 Gb Ether
10 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 9 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$6,062.00T233 - 9 Gb Ether
10 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 9.5 Gb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$6,062.00T233 - 9.5 Gb ASE
10 GB CGEN Infrastructure ConnectionEthernet Circuits - 9.5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$6,062.00T233 - 9.5 Gb Ether
CGEN Infrastructure AdjustmentCGEN Other ServicesNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per AdjustmentVariableT299
OTech Support FeeCGEN Other ServicesNetwork ServicesConnection$334.00T301
OTech Support Fee AdjustmentNetwork ServicesNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per AdjustmentVariableT399
DLSW/Enterprise Extender/SNA for CGENCGEN Other ServicesNetwork ServicesConnection$36.00T503
EncryptionNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per Connection$66.00T504
Telco One-Time ChargeOne-Time Network Pass ThroughNetwork ServicesOne Time/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT514
OTech ExpediteNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per Expedite$541.00T526
Inside Wire Move/RelocateNetwork - Other ServicesNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per Wire Move$117.00T527
DLWS AdjustmentCGEN Other ServicesNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per AdjustmentVariableT590
Encryption AdjustmentCGEN Other ServicesNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per AdjustmentVariableT591
MPLS 128 Kbps T-1 TelcoT-1 Circuits - 128 Kbps T-1Network ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT701
MPLS 384 Kbps T-1 TelcoT-1 Circuits - 384 Kbps T-1Network ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT702
MPLS 512 Kbps T-1 TelcoT-1 Circuits - 512 Kbps T-1Network ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT703
MPLS 768 Kbps T-1 TelcoT-1 Circuits - 768 Kbps T-1Network ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT704
MPLS 1024 Kbps T-1 TelcoT-1 Circuits - 1024 Kbps T-1Network ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT705
MPLS 1544 Kbps T-1 TelcoT-1 Circuits - 1536 Kbps T-1Network ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT706
MPLS 2 Bonded T-1s 3.088 Mb TelcoBonded T-1 Circuits - 2 Bonded T-1s 3.072 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT707
MPLS 3 Bonded T-1s 4.632 Mb TelcoBonded T-1 Circuits - 3 Bonded T-1s 4.608 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT708
MPLS 4 Bonded T-1s 6.176 Mb TelcoBonded T-1 Circuits - 4 Bonded T-1s 6.144 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT709
MPLS 5 Bonded T-1s 7.720 Mb TelcoBonded T-1 Circuits - 5 Bonded T-1s 7.680 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT710
MPLS 6 Bonded T-1s 9.264 Mb TelcoBonded T-1 Circuits - 6 Bonded T-1s 9.216 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT711
MPLS 8 Bonded T-1s 12.352 Mb TelcoBonded T-1 Circuits - 8 Bonded T-1s 12.352 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT712
MPLS DS3 Access 5 MbDS3 Circuits - MPLS DS3 Access 5 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT713
MPLS DS3 Access 10 MbDS3 Circuits - MPLS DS3 Access 10 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT714
MPLS DS3 Access 15 MbDS3 Circuits - MPLS DS3 Access 15 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT715
MPLS DS3 Access 20 MbDS3 Circuits - MPLS DS3 Access 20 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT716
MPLS DS3 Access 25 MbDS3 Circuits - MPLS DS3 Access 25 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT717
MPLS DS3 Access 30 MbDS3 Circuits - MPLS DS3 Access 30 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT718
MPLS DS3 Access 40 MbDS3 Circuits - MPLS DS3 Access 40 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT719
MPLS DS3 Access 45 MbDS3 Circuits - MPLS DS3 Access 45 MbNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT720
MPLS 1 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 1 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT721
MPLS 2 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 2 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT722
MPLS 3 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 3 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT723
MPLS 4 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 4 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT724
MPLS 5 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 5 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT725
MPLS 6 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 6 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT726
MPLS 7 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 7 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT727
MPLS 8 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits -8 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT728
MPLS 9 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits -9 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT729
MPLS 10 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits -10 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT730
MPLS 20 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits -20 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT731
30 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits -30 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT732
40 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits -40 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT733
MPLS 50 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits -50 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT734
MPLS 60 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits -60 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT735
MPLS 70 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits -70 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT736
MPLS 80 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 80 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT737
MPLS 90 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 90 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT738
MPLS 100 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 100 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT739
150 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 150 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT740
MPLS 200 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 200 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT741
MPLS 250 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 200 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT742
MPLS 300 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 300 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT743
400 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 400 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT744
450 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 450 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT745
500 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 500 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT746
600 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 600 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT747
700 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 700 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT748
800 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 800 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT749
900 Mb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 900 Mb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT750
MPLS 1 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 1 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT751
2 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 2 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT752
MPLS 2.5 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 2.5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT753
MPLS 3 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 3 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT754
MPLS 3.5 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 3.5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT755
MPLS 4 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 4 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT756
MPLS 4.5 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 4.5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT757
MPLS 5 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT758
MPLS 5.5 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 5.5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT759
MPLS 6 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 6 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT760
MPLS 6.5 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 6.5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT761
MPLS 7 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 7 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT762
MPLS 7.5 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 7.5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT763
MPLS 8 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 8 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT764
MPLS 8.5 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 8.5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT765
MPLS 9 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 9 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT766
MPLS 9.5 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 9.5 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT767
MPLS 10 Gb Ethernet TelcoEthernet Circuits - 10 Gb EthernetNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT768
MPLS 155 Mb OC3 AccessOC Access Circuits - 155 Mb OC3 AccessNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT769
MPLS 622 Mb OC12 AccessOC Access Circuits - 622 Mb OC12 AccessNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT770
MPLS 2.5 Gb OC48 AccessOC Access Circuits - 2.5 Gb OC48 AccessNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT771
MPLS 10 Gb OC192 AccessOC Access Circuits - 10 Gb OC192 AccessNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT772
4G Wireless Back-UpAdditional CGEN Telco Pass-ThroughNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT780
Port OnlyAdditional CGEN Telco Pass-ThroughNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT781
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)Additional CGEN Telco Pass-ThroughNetwork ServicesVariablePass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT782
4G Wireless Back-Up AdjustAdditional CGEN Telco Pass-ThroughNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per AdjustmentVariableT790
CGEN Telco Pass ThroughVendor MiscellaneousNetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT798
Telco Vendor Pass-Through AdjustAdditional CGEN Telco Pass-ThroughNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per AdjustmentVariableT799
EPL MAE Service 2 Mb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 2 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT801
EPL MAE Service 4 Mb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 4 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT802
EPL MAE Service 5 Mb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 5 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT803
EPL MAE Service 8 Mb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 8 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT804
EPL MAE Service 10 Mb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 10 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT805
EPL MAE Service 20 Mb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 20 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT806
EPL MAE Service 50Mb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 50 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT807
EPL MAE Service 100 Mb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 100 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT808
EPL MAE Service 150 Mb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 150 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT809
EPL MAE Service 250 Mb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 250 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT810
EPL MAE Service 500 Mb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 500 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT811
EPL MAE Service 600 Mb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 600 Mb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT812
EPL MAE Service 1 Gb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 1 Gb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT813
EPL MAE Service 2 Gb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 2 Gb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT814
EPL MAE Service 2.5 Gb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 2.5 Gb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT815
EPL MAE Service 4 Gb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 4 Gb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT816
EPL MAE Service 5 Gb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 5 Gb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT817
EPL MAE Service 7.5 Gb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 7.5 Gb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT818
EPL MAE Service 9.5 Gb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 9.5 Gb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT819
EPL MAE Service 10 Gb ASE TelcoEPL MAE Service ASE Circuits - 10 Gb ASENetwork ServicesMonthly/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeT820
CGEN Telco Vendor Pass-Through AdjustAdditional CGEN Telco Pass-ThroughNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per AdjustmentVariableT899
Broadband Internet Telco Pass Through - Secondary CircuitSDWANNetwork ServicesConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeU197
Broadband ConnectionSDWANNetwork ServicesConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeU198* - Service requires internet access through Broadband Connection (U198) or Dedicated Internet Service (U798).
SD WAN DeviceSDWANNetwork ServicesDevicePass-through Cost + 4.81%U498
SD WAN SupportSDWANNetwork ServicesConnection$149.00U501
SD WAN Gateway and Connectivity to CGEN InfrastructureSDWANNetwork ServicesPer Mbps$13.00U502
Business Wifi AccessSDWANNetwork ServicesConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeU504
Business Wifi EquipmentSDWANNetwork ServicesConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeU505
Business Wifi AdjustmentSDWANNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per AdjustmentVariableU506
Business Wifi One-Time Vendor FeeSDWANNetwork ServicesOne-TimePass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeU512
Broadband Internet Telco Pass Through One-timeSDWANNetwork ServicesOne Time/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeU514
Dedicated Internet Telco Pass Through One-timeSDWANNetwork ServicesOne Time/Per ConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeU515
Professional ServicesSDWANNetwork ServicesHourlyPass-through Cost + 4.81%U520
SDWAN One-timeSDWANNetwork ServicesOne Time/Per DevicePass-through Cost + 4.81%U521
SDWAN Expedite FeeSDWANNetwork ServicesOne-Time$541.00U528
Dedicated Internet Telco Pass Through - Secondary CircuitSDWANNetwork ServicesConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeU797
Dedicated Internet ServiceSDWANNetwork ServicesConnectionPass-through + 1.59% CDT Processing FeeU798* - Service requires internet access through Broadband Connection (U198) or Dedicated Internet Service (U798).
Dedicated Internet Telco Pass Through AdjustmentSDWANNetwork ServicesOne-Time/Per AdjustmentVariableU799
Document ReproductionMiscellaneousPage$0.26X110
Expedite FeeMiscellaneousOne-Time/Per Request$541.00X1xx
First Contact IT Call Center (includes first 100 calls)First Contact IT Call CenterMonthly/Per Subscription$3,675.00X201
Additional Call (Over 100)First Contact IT Call CenterPer Call$37.00X202
One-time Set-UpFirst Contact IT Call CenterOne-time/Per Customer$977.00X203
Statewide Innovation and State Web PortalStatewide Innovation and State Web PortalMonthlyVariableZ801
CDT Cost DistributionCDT Cost DistributionMonthly/CalculatedVariableZ901
CDT Cost Distribution for Training ClassesCDT Cost Distribution22% added to Training Class22%Z903
E-Learning - Customized Harassment SB 553 Course Customization & MaintenanceTrainingPer License$1,863 +3.5% CDT Cost Distribution fee (Z901)D136
E-Learning LMS Service (branding, SSO/API/Support) one-time or annualTrainingPer License$2,244 +3.5% CDT Cost Distribution fee (Z901)D137