Reportable IT Projects – Definitions

Criticality Rating

The Criticality Rating is designed to assess the risk, sensitivity and/or criticality by assigning a rating of low, medium or high to each OCIO-approved IT Project.

Beginning January 1, 2009:  The IT Project Criticality Rating is determined using the Complexity Assessment toolkit included within the California Project Management Methodology (CA-PMM). The Complexity Assessment toolkit is located in Section 17D of the Statewide Information Management Manual (SIMM).  The methodology for determining the Criticality Rating using the Complexity Assessment is described in the CA-PMM Reference Manual located in Section 17A of the SIMM.

The complexity assessment is based on a number of criteria primarily related to business and technical attributes including cost and resource need. Evaluating a project via the complexity assessment results in two scores – one for business complexity and one for technical complexity. The scores are mapped to a complexity diagram that is divided into zones based on the complexity.

Prior to January 1, 2009: The IT Project Criticality Rating was determined by assigning ratings to four specific factors and assigning the average of the four factors to the project. The four project specific factors are project size, project manager experience, team experience and project type. In addition, an assessment of external factors affecting the project, or past project performance within the department, may have resulted in an adjustment to the Criticality Rating. The methodology for determining the Criticality Rating using these factors is described in Section 2, “Project Classification for Oversight,” of the IT Project Oversight Framework. The IT Project Oversight Framework is included within the Statewide Information Management Manual (SIMM) Section 45.

The SIMM may be accessed at Information Technology Project Oversight Framework.

Score Card Rating

The Score Card Rating is defined as follows:

  • Green Score Rating Green – Satisfactory, no corrective action necessary. The current risk to overall project quality is low.
  • Yellow Score Rating Yellow – Caution, risks/issues exist but the Project is currently addressing them. There may be a need for corrective action now or quite soon.
  • Red Score Rating Red – Escalated for immediate corrective action. There is a significant risk to the Project.
  • Not Indicated – Indicates that a Project Status Report was submitted to the OCIO, but the Vital Signs portion of the Status Report was not completed.
  • No Report Available – Indicates that a Project Status Report is not available for publishing for the reporting period.

The Score Card Rating is compiled from various Strategic, Tactical, and Work-Environment vital signs, and is derived from the CA-PMM Project Status Report toolkit located in Section 17D of the Statewide Information Management Manual (SIMM). The methodology for developing the Vital Signs Score Card Rating is described in the CA-PMM Reference Manual located in Section 17A of the SIMM.

The frequency for submitting CA-PMM Project Status Reports to the OCIO is determined by the Criticality Rating. Project Status Reports for high criticality projects are submitted monthly, quarterly for medium criticality projects, and semi-annually for low criticality projects.

The SIMM may be accessed at California Project Management Framework (CA-PMF).