The Office of Statewide Technology Procurement (OSTP) conducts independent project oversight for state project acquisitions of IT and Telecommunications goods and services.
Project planning
Visit our project planning page to learn more about our planning process.
Project oversight
Oversight is tough. Check out our awesome oversight resources.
Request services
Check our IT services catalog if you’re looking for cloud products or other unique IT services.
Need to know
Project planning
OSTP consulting staff work closely with customers to ensure project proposals and plans are well thought out and clearly indicate programmatic benefits. Part of this process, involves the consideration of feasible alternatives which address the identified needs and benefits consistent with statewide strategies, policies, and procedures.
Project oversight
OSTP offers the unique ability to leverage statewide experience to coach and guide customers through the many challenges that are often encountered in state procurement projects. OSTP staff partner with departments to help plan and monitor projects and to bring projects to successful deployment. Consultants focus on ensuring that the scope, schedule, and costs associated with each project are adequately defined, planned, and monitored.
State departments

STP intake portal
Please use the STP Intake Portal if you are looking to execute a new contract, amend an already existing contract, acquire oversight over a stage gate, or have general questions; options are provided once inside the portal.
The portal requires you to register using your department’s registration code. If you do not have one, please email requesting a code. We'll provide an onboarding e-mail to you containing instructions on how to access the STP Intake Portal.
Non-Competitively Bid (NCB)
This portal is for all Non-Competitively Bid (NCB) requests for goods and/or services that are part of an Information Technology (IT) non-delegated project or Telecommunications Acquisition. NCB contracts are limited to it goods and services (12102 and 12102.1) and for non-IT goods ( PCC 10301 and 10302) with the following conditions:
- Proposed acquisition of Goods and Services are the only Goods and Services that meet the State's need, or;
- Emergencies, where immediate acquisition is necessary for the protection of the public health, welfare or safety.
To access the California Department of Technology’s NCB portal, users must first create an account with the Department of General Service’s NCB portal. Once your user account is created and approved by DGS, our CDT portal will automatically import the account. DGS credentials will NOT work in the CDT Portal.
Please email for a password reset and onboarding information to access the CDT Portal.
NCB Approvers: Complete and email a Signatory Authority Designee (SAD) form to
Please email for a password reset and onboarding information to access the CDT Portal.
Post Evaluation Form for IT Services Contracts (Std. 971)
Public Contract Code (PCC) Section 12102.3 requires completion of a Post Evaluation Form for IT Services Contracts (Std. 971). This applies when the contract is $500,000 and over and is related to an IT project as defined in State Administrative Manual (SAM) Section 4819.2. The contracting agency/organization must send a copy of the Post Evaluation Form to upon final payment, or contract completion/termination. The form must include comments from the contractor. A post evaluation and contractor response pursuant to PCC Section 12102.3 is exempt from the Public Records Act.

Electronic Vendor Application Qualifications (eVAQ)
If you are interested in participating in future solicitations with California Department of Technology. Please complete the Electronic Vendor Application of Qualifications (eVAQ) form.
The Electronic Vendor Application of Qualifications (eVAQ) is a continuous application process and is the first phase of California Department of Technology (CDT), Statewide Technology Procurement’s (STP) effort to elicit information technology and/or telecommunications pre-qualified vendor participation in solicitations.
CAL eProcure
If you are interested in receiving bid notifications from the state then please register with Cal eProcure. Bid opportunities are posted in the California State Contracts Register (CSCR).
State departments

STP intake portal
Please use the STP Intake Portal if you are looking to execute a new contract, amend an already existing contract, acquire oversight over a stage gate, or have general questions; options are provided once inside the portal.
The portal requires you to register using your department’s registration code. If you do not have one, please email requesting a code. We’ll provide an onboarding e-mail to you containing instructions on how to access the STP Intake Portal.
Non-Competitively Bid (NCB)
This portal is for all Non-Competitively Bid (NCB) requests for goods and/or services that are part of an Information Technology (IT) non-delegated project or Telecommunications Acquisition. NCB contracts are limited to it goods and services (12102 and 12102.1) and for non-IT goods (PCC 10301 and 10302) with the following conditions:
- Proposed acquisition of Goods and Services are the only Goods and Services that meet the State’s need, or;
- Emergencies, where immediate acquisition is necessary for the protection of the public health, welfare or safety.
To access the California Department of Technology’s NCB portal, users must first create an account with the Department of General Service’s NCB portal. Once your user account is created and approved by DGS, our CDT portal will automatically import the account. DGS credentials will NOT work in the CDT Portal.
Please email for a password reset and onboarding information to access the CDT Portal.
NCB Approvers: Complete and email a Signatory Authority Designee (SAD) form to
Please email for a password reset and onboarding information to access the CDT Portal.
Post Evaluation Form for IT Services Contracts (Std. 971)
Public Contract Code (PCC) Section 12102.3 requires completion of a Post Evaluation Form for IT Services Contracts (Std. 971). This applies when the contract is $500,000 and over and is related to an IT project as defined in State Administrative Manual (SAM) Section 4819.2. The contracting agency/organization must send a copy of the Post Evaluation Form to upon final payment, or contract completion/termination. The form must include comments from the contractor. A post evaluation and contractor response pursuant to PCC Section 12102.3 is exempt from the Public Records Act.

Electronic Vendor Application Qualifications (eVAQ)
If you are interested in participating in future solicitations with California Department of Technology. Please complete the Electronic Vendor Application of Qualifications (eVAQ) form.
The Electronic Vendor Application of Qualifications (eVAQ) is a continuous application process and is the first phase of California Department of Technology (CDT), Office of Statewide Technology Procurement’s (OSTP) effort to elicit information technology and/or telecommunications pre-qualified vendor participation in solicitations.
CAL eProcure
If you are interested in receiving bid notifications from the state then please register with Cal eProcure. Bid opportunities are posted in the California State Contracts Register (CSCR).
Suppliers interested in becoming CALNET vendors: Visit Cal eProcure for access to CALNET advertised solicitations. Future solicitations will provide key action dates and instructions for bidding. It is recommended vendors create an account and subscribe to new solicitations alerts.
For additional information on state contracting, see DGS How to Do Business with California Government.
Service description | Product name | Unit of measure | Rate | Service code |
Telecom Procurement Consulting | Consulting | Per Hour | $218.00 | G7xx – Consulting |
IT Procurement Consulting | Consulting | Per Hour | $218.00 | G7xx – Consulting |
Contract Amendment – Total contract value under $100M | STP | Per Contract | 1.31% for Total contract value under $100M | H501 |
Contract Management/Administration – Total contract value under $100M | STP | Per Contract | 1.31% for Total contract value under $100M | H502 |
Competitive – Formal – Total contract value under $100M | STP | Per Contract | 1.31% for Total contract value under $100M | H503 |
Competitive – Informal – Total contract value under $100M | STP | Per Contract | 1.31% for Total contract value under $100M | H504 |
Exemption Request – Total contract value under $100M | STP | Per Contract | 1.31% for Total contract value under $100M | H505 |
Leveraged Procurement Agreement (LPA) – Total contract value under $100M | STP | Per Contract | 1.31% for Total contract value under $100M | H506 |
Limited to Brand (LTB) – Total contract value under $100M | STP | Per Contract | 1.31% for Total contract value under $100M | H507 |
Master Agreement – Total contract value under $100M | STP | Per Contract | 1.31% for Total contract value under $100M | H508 |
Non-Competitive Bid (NCB) – Total contract value under $100M | STP | Per Contract | 1.31% for Total contract value under $100M | H509 |
One Time Purchasing Request – Total contract value under $100M | STP | Per Contract | 1.31% for Total contract value under $100M | H510 |
Proprietary Maintenance Acquisition – Total contract value under $100M | STP | Per Contract | 1.31% for Total contract value under $100M | H511 |
Proprietary Software Acquisition – Total contract value under $100M | STP | Per Contract | 1.31% for Total contract value under $100M | H512 |
Small Business (SB)/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (SB/DVE) – Total contract value under $100M | STP | Per Contract | 1.31% for Total contract value under $100M | H513 |
Software Licensing Program – Total contract value under $100M | STP | Per Contract | 1.31% for Total contract value under $100M | H514 |
Contract Amendment – Total contract value over $100M | STP | Per Contract | 0.75% for Total contract value over $100M | H521 |
Contract Management/Administration – Total contract value over $100M | STP | Per Contract | 0.75% for Total contract value over $100M | H522 |
Competitive – Formal – Total contract value over $100M | STP | Per Contract | 0.75% for Total contract value over $100M | H523 |
Competitive – Informal – Total contract value over $100M | STP | Per Contract | 0.75% for Total contract value over $100M | H524 |
Exemption Request – Total contract value over $100M | STP | Per Contract | 0.75% for Total contract value over $100M | H525 |
Leveraged Procurement Agreement (LPA) – Total contract value over $100M | STP | Per Contract | 0.75% for Total contract value over $100M | H526 |
Limited to Brand (LTB) – Total contract value over $100M | STP | Per Contract | 0.75% for Total contract value over $100M | H527 |
Master Agreement – Total contract value over $100M | STP | Per Contract | 0.75% for Total contract value over $100M | H528 |
Non-Competitive Bid (NCB) – Total contract value over $100M | STP | Per Contract | 0.75% for Total contract value over $100M | H529 |
One Time Purchasing Request – Total contract value over $100M | STP | Per Contract | 0.75% for Total contract value over $100M | H530 |
Proprietary Maintenance Acquisition – Total contract value over $100M | STP | Per Contract | 0.75% for Total contract value over $100M | H531 |
Proprietary Software Acquisition – Total contract value over $100M | STP | Per Contract | 0.75% for Total contract value over $100M | H532 |
Small Business/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (SB/DVE) – Total contract value over $100M | STP | Per Contract | 0.75% for Total contract value over $100M | H533 |
Software Licensing Program – Total contract value over $100M | STP | Per Contract | 0.75% for Total contract value over $100M | H534 |