State departments can pitch their project proposals on pitch day. Pitch day occurs on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Here’s some information to help you understand the pitch day process.
TMF Selection Committee
The TMF Selection Committee (SC) is comprised of undersecretaries, deputy secretaries, directors and chief deputy directors from various state agencies and departments. Presently, the committee includes 10 members. Once the project teams complete their pitch, SC members will deliberate and arrive at a consensus decision to award the requested funds to the project team(s). The SC members will vote on the proposal(s) if the committee is unable to make a consensus decision.
Meeting invite
We will send a Microsoft (MS) Teams meeting invite to project teams and SC members. Typically the total meeting length is 3 hours or less, depending upon number of project teams pitching their projects.
Each project team will get 30 minutes for their pitch 15 min for presentation and 15 min for questions and answers (Q&A). Meeting invites will normally be sent to project teams and SC members 3 business days before the pitch day. The MS Teams invite will include the following:
- Meeting link and call-in number
- Designated meeting time
- Other meeting information to inform projects teams of how and when to join the meeting.
We will track the accepted/declined status of the meeting invite by the SC members.
Quorum needed for pitch day
TMF will ensure that the pitch day meeting has at least 5 SC members available to conduct the deliberations by SC. Any decision made by the SC shall be made by a quorum of members present at the pitch day meeting.
If there are not enough SC members available to establish a quorum, the pitch day meeting will be cancelled and rescheduled to a different date. TMF will communicate any cancellation and rescheduling to the SC and to the project teams.
About your pitch
- Be on time: Project teams pitching their proposals shall join the pitch day meeting room on time. If a project team is not able to join within 5 minutes after their designated start time, its presentation may be cancelled and rescheduled at the discretion of TMF.
- Slide deck: A project team’s main presenter shall share their pitch day presentation slide deck during the presentation. (Each project team is requested to have a backup presenter in case the main presenter runs into internet connection or other technical issues).
- Subject matter experts (SMEs): Project teams are encouraged to bring enough SMEs to the meeting to respond to the SC’s questions. A presenter for a project team may call upon an SME to respond to a specific question.
- Camera off: Except for presenter, all other project team members shall turn off their camera during the presentation. Members can turn on their camera during Q&A if they are responding to the SC’s questions.
- No chat: Projects teams are requested not to use the pitch day MS Teams Meeting chat window to communicate among project team members. Project teams are encouraged to create a separate meeting room for such chats.
- Timing: TMF will time the presentation and Q&A sessions, and will provide 5-minute and 2-minute warning before the end of each session.
For questions or additional information, please visit the TMF page or contact the TMF team at